Any teachers out there?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tigers are Grrr8!, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. Tigers are Grrr8!

    Tigers are Grrr8! Active Member

    My wife and I are considering a move to the area, but have some questions about the state health insurance. Does it really cost $500+/month for good insurance out-of-pocket? Do some districts pick up a portion of that as an incentive? If not, how can you make it financially?

    I am a 5th year teacher, for example. According to Johnston County Schools, I would make just over $43,000/yr. Now subtract from that over $6000 for insurance and suddenly my usable taxable income comes to $37,000. How can I raise a family on that?

    Am I jumping the gun here?

  2. newmom5497

    newmom5497 Well-Known Member

    I started teaching this year in Johnston County...from NJ. I make @31,000 per year(2nd year teaching)....and yes, you do have to contribute to health insurance. I'm free, but to add my husband and daugther it would have been @400.00 per month. We found a private Blue Cross/Blue Shield policy that is about $225.00 per month for the 2 of them.

    I make about $7,000 less than in Jersey(salary), but health insurance there was MUCH more than here. Our policy for my husband and daughter in NJ was $650.00 per month for the SAME exact policy as here in NJ(Blue Cross). Just by having a different address(NC). Plus our property taxes/auto insur. are MUCH less than in it is a savings for us overall(dh is self-employed, so we have always paid our own health insur.).

    So you have to compare your expenses in your state compared to here. But to answer your original question...yes, you have to pay for health coverage for your family and the cost is about $400-500 per month thru the state(your teaching job)/vs. 200-300 private.

    Also--just so you know..there is NO UNION here. So you are expected to do more (for less money) union to protect you. It does not really bother me as I am non-union minded and worked in the private sector(banking...80 hour weeks) for years.....but for a career- teacher used to teaching strictly from 9-3(not staying after school for meetings/conferences etc.), sometimes not having planning time(meetings), and sometimes having to cover the lunchroom and busses after school.....I'm sure it would be a HUGE shock. OH--we also have a 215 day work-year here...not 180 days as in other states. My work day is typically from 8-5 and we start the year on Aug. 21st(kids start 28th--ish)...and go until mid June.(Kids get out early June). Many holidays teachers typically have off(and that kids have off)....we are required to report to work in NC.

    We wanted a change from NJ and have been wanting to move south for years, so we knew what we were in for as far as "change" and decrease in income. But you can get MUCH more house for the money here than in many parts of the country, with cheaper property taxes and auto insurance. So it is a trade-off. Good Luck with your decision!
  3. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    It costs me nothing to cover myself, but it is costly to cover your family. My husband has benefits with his job, so luckily we don't pay out of my check.
  4. mudpie

    mudpie Guest

    Yes you can

    This is my tenth year teaching in NC. I taught for 9 in Johnston Co. and this year jumped ship to Wake. I received about a 6% pay increase just because of the supplement that Wake co. offers as an incentive. It is also closer to me than my old school. There are benefits and drawbacks to teaching in a right to work state, but overall the benefits outweigh the negatives.
    Remember to take into consideration cost of living expenses. My husband and I are able to own a house, two cars, pay for all of our expenses without using credit cards, and a top notch daycare on two salaries, both of which are in education. If you really believe in something and are committed to it, anything is possible. I encourage you to give NC Teaching another look.

  5. Tigers are Grrr8!

    Tigers are Grrr8! Active Member

    Thanks, Mudpie!

    It is great to get such a positive response. Before, my wife and I were waffling, but our moving to NC is a sure thing. I absolutely believe it is the right move for the family.

    That said, my wife has been talking about teaching in Wake County because of the salary difference. At first, I really wanted to work where I live, but with your input, I am wondering if that is so important. It must have been a big deal finally deciding to make the move. :!: I guess I'm sort of in the same situation, just a farther jump.

    Does your particular school in Wake have a year-round calendar? If so, how is it?

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