So I saw an interesting "search" on MSN tonight about Michael Jackson faking his own death. You know, it crossed my mind during that whole spectacle and I wouldn't be suprised. I'm not saying that's what has happened by any means, but I think it's a remote possibilty. Opinions? Yeah, I'm bored tonight. :lol:
funny, back when i was a kid and Jim Croce died, everyone was saying he faked his death because the album that was released all of a sudden became number 1, i know not really funny but it just brought that old memory back. Oh for anyone that doesn't know, "Time in a Bottle" was the song that skyrocked and was released after his death, well at least as far as i remember.
Here you go
If the ongoing investigation wasn't concluding with homicide charges, I might go along with a remote possibility for a faked death. However, a police investigation likely wouldn't be involved in such a case. The drugs might have killed him, but it was insomnia that drove him to that breaking point. Same with Elvis. Same with Heath Ledger.
With that family, I think anything is possible. I just think it would take bribing too many people to be in on it to pull it off.
Probably true. Reading some of the conspiracy theories last night was highly entertaining though! :lol:
I cant see you tube videos on this link so if this is already posted sorry but there is a video on the web with MJ or someone getting out of the coroners van ( suppose to be the same one that took his body from the hospital) and going in a tunnel. At the end is where you see this "person" jumping out of the van and this "person" has the MJ looking hair. I would hope he wouldnt do something like that but he was weird enough that I wouldnt put it past him!
no he was suppose to be buried this weekend but they have moved it to next weekend from what i have seen on the news.
I saw that last night. Some of the other theories were how "healthy" he looked in the ambulance photo released to the public. (if he hadn't been breathing for nearly an hour, he probably would have been more purple looking from lack of oxygen) Again, I don't necessarily believe all this, just find it a little interesting and not beyond the realm of possibility. There were a bunch more including how folks like Oprah didn't come to his funeral.
Your memory is pretty good!! Actually "Time In A Bottle" was on Croce's first album and hadn't been released as a single. It was featured in one those TV Movie of The Week that was popular in the 70s, and people started calling about the song and where you could get it. About two weeks after the movie, aired, Croce was killed and after that they re-released "Time In A Bottle" as a single, and it became a #1 hit. And there is your totally useless music trivia of the day.....