Anybody know??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by alen, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. alen

    alen Well-Known Member

    What happened last night at 4042 around 10 pm? Lots of fire trucks/ambulances and police. Looked to be on either the on ramp to 40W or the off ramp from 40W. I hope it was not as serious as it looked.
  2. Neighborhood MoM

    Neighborhood MoM Well-Known Member

    Dear God not my child or anyones family members not today.

    We heard them also. I saw nothing on the news about anything.I Since we have gotten so much traffic flow on 42 and our small back roads we have had a rise in the sirens going off. I pray each time one goes off it is not someone's teenager or a family or maybe a tired employee coming off 40 from work. I know this has nothing to do with the sirens of last night . But they seem to happen pretty much everyday for quite a while. I pray every time my child goes out that door she will use her head, be aware and stay off her cell phone. But no parent has this guarantee. Just hope what you put into raising your children come forth in their actions. If you have the perfect child please write a book you will become a success story over night. I am not a perfect parent, but I love my children and they understand how we as parents expect from her so my last plee is Lord do not let another child or teen nor a family member be injured or mamed by an automobile. It is to hard on families to get over that type of heartaches. Please just make the sirens stop blarring and making me and other parents wonder is that my child or husband, family member or neighbor or local friend. What time is it and where should they be at this time. Please lord not today or ever for anyone. Thank you.
    I am sure there are tons of errors grammar wise. But a lot of heart felt in all the above.
  3. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    The Budweiser beer truck driver told me that he had been at the CDH shooting pool, and was going home, getting on the 40E on-ramp, when he looked over at the off ramp, coming from the east and saw an SUV upside down and on fire.

    Other than that, I got nothing.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    According to the scanner it was a single car accident. The victim was trapped and the car/suv caught on fire. Evidently some passers by put the fire out and it rekindled before the fire dept. got there. Last I heard they had the person out of the car and the fire was out.
  5. cvfdcaptain

    cvfdcaptain Well-Known Member

    yep thats what happened
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    As soon as I heard that call I immediately started praying for that person. I cannot imagine anything worse than being trapped in a burning car. I always pray for the victims and the safety of the emergency workers on the way to help them.
  7. alen

    alen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. Sounds like everyone involved is OK. Good news...

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