Alright, there have been a bunch of us bashing you furballs the last several months and it has been a lot of fun. Really, it has. But I'm going to swallow my pride and offer a truce. No matter what you think, there is not a single one of us who is bashing your message. Remember, I said MESSAGE. But your method of going about this has been completely insane and it was just the public duty of a bunch of us to point it out. I know you hate me and PRM and Harleygirl and Daniellea and David and Tangerine and, well, the names are limitless, but try to see it from our perspective for once. In some respects, you are probably to be congratulated for getting an article in the N & O, even though it wasn't the most flattering article. But it DID bring about public awareness. But all the flaming posts about lawyers and printers and county officials? What did that accomplish? To date, I would have to say, nothing. If we all step out of our anonymous discussion group world and look at the issue at hand, all of us would probably agree that the gas chamber is not the best method of euthanasia, but turn around and look at the past and look at how you tried to accomplish getting this method changed. Who did you think you were going to convince in the political arena using the methods you used? So anyway, I think the end of the Discussion Group seems to be a good time to end the furball feud. If you guys need advice on how to deal with county officials and who we know that can get something accomplished, post it over here and we'll be glad to offer advice. Just don't repeat history and make more enemies than you have now.
Wasn't the discussion group the victim of the minority and not the majority? I thought it was tolerable, for the most part, until the person flooded the board the other night.
As long as the petty sniping in "The Neighborhood," Stops. Let's just end it no apologies, no holding someone down until they say uncle, no making them agree with you. From reading some of the posts since the Discussion Group went away, some people aren't going to be able to do it.
"Chuck" A truce is a great idea. But I am not sure what methods that you are speaking of. Since you have never met me, you really don't know what I have been doing with my time. Rest assured that I am working very hard to find answers. Keep in mind, I don't know most of the people on this board. My posts, for the most part, have been informative. Although many of you have been angered at my thoughts, at least the point finally got across. If I go to my grave with a petition in my hand, at least I will know that I tried. If this is the end of the bashing, then God really does work miracles. I am sure that there are more to come.
Michele, Not your thoughts, which I am sure are pure and noble. Your methods. When it became clear that there was a message board created and moderated expressively for the concerns of the Johnston County Animal Shelter, some of the regulars asked you to register and post in this forum. The methodology of labeling anyone who ask you to post over here, "Against you," alienated a core group of people who have been on here for quite sometime. With wild accusations and name calling somehow those who originally were asking you to post over here, were lumped into a "Pro Gas" label, not once asking if we were. That coupled with the fact that every thread had to be corrupted with "Animal" references no matter what the discussion was, went a long way to developing the rift. You keep screaming "you don't know me," well, it goes both ways you don't us either.
I think we all want a community that is people and animal friendly. A community we can all be proud of. A place where you can go to sleep at night and feel good about what you do and where you live. It is apparent that people got their feathers ruffled more than once, whether intentional or not. It is time for all of us to do what we can to strengthen our pride in our community. If for any of us, it means working towards the benefit of the animals, keeping our highways free from litter, our neighborhoods free from crime, or whatever positive change we would like to see happen, we should support each other. We don't have to agree on everything, that will never happen, we are human, after all. In spite of our differences, I don't believe anyone on these boards is a bad person. People just get caught up emotionally and sometimes get misunderstood. When we argue on these threads, it not only breaks some persons spirit, it also weakens us as a community. If we try to help each other, whether actively, or just wishing others the best, only good things can come of it.
True, nobody really know anybody. But a truce is a great idea, and if everyone wants to help get rid the gas chamber that would be wonderful!!
Agreed! With most everything said. I hate the gas chamber method. I think it's disturbing and cruel, and brings to mind not only the holocaust, but a video clip I once saw on TV of Iraqis testing gas on a dog. I cried for 10 minutes after that clip. I'd love to help, but I can't condone the madness that was 'the guests' on the discussion board. I've taken down my "offensive" avatar just for that reason-- I'm hoping the craziness will stop, and I won't be labeled 'pro gas'... and I figure if that's the case, then I no longer need my satirical avatar. Anyway, so long as the neighborhood doesn't become 'The Discussion Board v. 2', I'm willing to do my part.
I am willing as well as long as NO ONE asks me EVER again about my view on the gas chamber, posts my home number on the board, critices me for taking pictures, calling me personally out on the board, jumps in my **** about the 4042 pics and Petfinder, and asks me about my own pets going into the gas chamber etc... you get the point! The whole issue has gotten way out of hand and like I have said (which no one read) before, we all want more pets adopted out of the shelter and we all want everyone to fix their pets and we all love animlas and certainly don't want them to die either by gas OR injection. That's all I have to say on the matter.
First of all, I was registered from the beginning. Remember "adoptadog"? I posted where everyone else wrote about the a free forum. You are blaming me for the actions of many people. And I never decided that anyone was aganist me. I was attacked every time I mentioned the gas chamber, and constantly told that there was nothing wrong with it. Much of it was printed out. If we are all in agreement now, that's wonderful. I am glad that everyone wants to be at peace, and work together for the welfare of our animals. God bless you, David, for helping to stop the bashing. By the way, my cousin lives in Kalamazoo. I'll probably go up to see him later this year. Maybe I'll look you up when I'm there...since we're friends now. Are you listed?