I have lost a whole litter of foster kittens and I am mad!!! Vet could not find anything wrong... bad stools, had them on Albon and Panacure... they were eating but not gaining weight. I sent the last baby to have a necropsy done to see if we can get some answers, but I wanted to know if anyone else was seeing anything?
so sorry to read about such bad news. the prowling cats and kittens in our 'hood seem to be faring fine seeing as there are entirely too dadburn many of them. hope you get some answers and relief!
Good grief! I'm so sorry to hear that ljk. Nothing that I have heard of but will keep my ears open to see if anyone else has lost babies. :cry:
If the kits had foamy, horrid smelling diarrhea, probably coccidia - can't always get a definative diagnosis. I struggled with coccidia in one litter that seemed to go on and on - kits were 4 week old orphans when I pulled them from Granville animal control. Can't recall how long it took to resolve (at least a month). Used Albon and Panacur also. My vet said that sometimes coccidia never resolves and the diarrhea kills the kits. I'm sorry that happened to you. Fostering can be so very hard sometimes. :cry:
I was thinking that too, had them on Albon forever and it didnt touch it. I wonder if there was just intestional damage due to the coccidea? I think it is giong to be a rough year.
We resecued two from my warehouse at work a few weeks ago. They were approx. 3-1/2 weeks old at the time, and they've done fine. We were feeding them the replacement milk powder from PetSmart and then gradually switched them to a Royal Canin "baby cat" food. I've heard they are doing fine, we've given them to a woman who takes in and places some abandoned animals in the Zebulon area (a friend of a friend who's a vet tech and a groomer... so she had the better set-up to handle them anyway). Hope you can find some answers... so sorry to hear about the poor babies...