I appealed my tax value with Johnston County. A neighbor with the same square footage has a value of 20k less then me so I appealed my value. I have a hearing Friday the 13th. Has anyone ever been to one of these hearings? What goes on? Has anyone been successful? Any advice? All I keep thinking of is a like a senate hearing.
Yeah we did. We won too. The same thing happened w/ us, bought the house in November, get a tax bill in January saying the value was $20,000 more than what it just appraised for. We kept appealing it until we had a hearing. It wasn't bad, just a room with some folks on the "board". They were all real nice, got us in and out. Now the fact that I was 9 months pregnant and the hearing was on my due date might have helped that. I think they were scared. LOL...It wasn't bad at all though. Just take any paperwork you have showing the appraised value with you. Good luck!
We did the same thing the first year we bought our house and won also - just needed to show them the appraisal and it was quick and easy. Good luck:-D