Anyone ever go to a tax hearing?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kdog, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    I appealed my tax value with Johnston County. A neighbor with the same square footage has a value of 20k less then me so I appealed my value. I have a hearing Friday the 13th. Has anyone ever been to one of these hearings? What goes on? Has anyone been successful? Any advice? All I keep thinking of is a like a senate hearing.
  2. Beezor

    Beezor Well-Known Member

    Yeah we did. We won too. The same thing happened w/ us, bought the house in November, get a tax bill in January saying the value was $20,000 more than what it just appraised for. We kept appealing it until we had a hearing. It wasn't bad, just a room with some folks on the "board". They were all real nice, got us in and out. Now the fact that I was 9 months pregnant and the hearing was on my due date might have helped that. I think they were scared. LOL...It wasn't bad at all though. Just take any paperwork you have showing the appraised value with you. Good luck!
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    We did the same thing the first year we bought our house and won also - just needed to show them the appraisal and it was quick and easy. Good luck:-D

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