I am looking for a cheap cowboy costume for my son. Size 7-8. He needs it for a western event. Thanks.
My grandson wanted to be a cowboy for Halloween. I looked at all the costume sites and what they had didn't suit Grandma..I wound up making it but it was the way I wanted it. The pattern is simple and you glue some of the ties on rather than sewing them. I don't know where they sell yard goods around here since Walmart closed. Long drive to JoAnn's for a couple yards.
Thanks, I will see if I can find a pattern. My grandmother sews. She might be able to get it done for me. Thanks again.
If you can find the guns w/ holsters and/or a hat, just put him in some jeans, a shirt and tie a bandana around his neck...who needs to make/sew a costume? :mrgreen:
Halloween This is what I envisioned and would be satisfied with no less. I looked at the Simplicity site for the pattern but it is obviously discontinued. I got it at Walmart but don't know if they carry patterns since they were phasing out the fabrics. I have a size 5-6 pattern if you think it will work, you are welcome to use it.