We are adding a new member to our family tomorrow. An 8 month old Brussels Griffon who was in need of a home will be moving in with us. I've never really had a small dog before. We were originally planning on bringing home a pup who would be more sizable and sturdy - however, this little guy was irresistable because he had such a great personality. I'm sure caring for a little dog will be lots different from the experiences we had with our 130+ baby dog in the past. I definately don't want to do anything wrong that might hurt our new addition. I hope to make sure we socialize & train him well in the beginning so our family can have many, many years of fun with him. Have any of you ever had experience with this type of dog before? If so, what were his favorite pastimes, toys, treats ... Did he like to play in the water? How tough was grooming his hair? I was told that because he has a short snout - he may overheat more easily than other dog breeds. I looked for a book on caring for Brussels Griffons at the pet store this evening - but I didn't see one. I'm trying to learn what I can about caring for them on the internet. We took a trip to the pet store this evening & bought a small crate, a bed, a brush, nail clippers, a stripper for his hair, a small lead, a couple of toys, a collar, some little chew bones, a food & water dish, food & some treats. Is there anything else we should have before he comes home with us? Any advice from former Brussels Griffon parents would be greatly appreciated
There are a couple of BG web groups - breeders, handlers and just good old BG fanatics belong. One of my clients has a BG - her second one and she is really into them. If you PM me your number, I can have her call you. She doesn't 4042...lol. They are cool little dogs, best of luck with your new addition! Vickie