Anyone have the new Motorola Razr 16GB????

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 4ME2KNOW, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. 4ME2KNOW

    4ME2KNOW Well-Known Member

    I was taken by all the hype & the commercial for the Razr from Verizon advertising the 16GB On-board storage for $199. It does not ship with an SD card. The 16GB is advertised as INTERNAL storage....

    I ordered it but when looking under states Internal storage total space 8GB.

    I contacted Verizon who seemed bewildered when I called with this issue. Tech support thought it was suppose to be 16GB as well, but when they checked their Razr phone they had at their location, it only showed 8GB as well. They are sending me a free 16GB SD card to compensate.

    Seems like maybe when Verizon ordered all these phones for this special deal the manufacturer sent 8GB instead of the 16GB....or Verizon made a big blunder in it's advertising. It's on their website as well as clearly stating 16GB on the commercial that plays every 5 minutes on TV!

    This seems like a big blunder to me and I wonder how many phones were affected.

    Anyone else have this issue??

    I am very thankful they are sending the free 16GB SD card to make up for this issue...just wanted to put this out there in case others may have this phone and not aware of this blunder.

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