"Through this work, REPSI assists in the formulation and implementation of policies that enhance the abilities of local communities, national governments, and regional bodies to manage natural resources sustainably in Southeast Asia." I don't think that's it cliff...unless Johnston County has been annexed or purchased by a asian country, unless they opened a local branch. REPSI - relocating, expensive, pesky, social immigrants? REPSI - reasonably expensive personal sliding income? REPSI - Raucus erotic people sliding inanely?
Hey, I did a google search and that's what came up. Who knows what they might be testing for here. Perhaps testing people to send to asia to help the asian climate or whatever? Actually it sounded pretty good to me (presuming we're talking about the last one)
I Googled before I asked here. My sister was over and asked me if I knew what it was, when Google was no help, I 40/42'd, which is usually just as informative as Google :-D Still, it's got me wondering what the place is. peps, you are too funny bandmom, good one I considered that RESPI could be a backwards deal like Harpo/Oprah but IPSER only turned up a market research firm based in Fort Worth, TX and the sir-name of a doctor in the knee-biomechanical field...none of the other Ipser items looked very interesting. Interestingly, ser is a Spanish verb, meaning 'to be' so maybe it is IPSER, and it means: "I pee, to be!" :lol:
I came upon this: Seems to be some kind of software that is totally foreign to tech-no-not me.