Anyone like to read non-fiction? Library needs immediate help.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ron Still, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    A group of Baptist men offered to volunteer at the Cleveland Library to expand the non-fiction shelving to hold an additional 20,000 books. Volunteers already labeled 30,000 non-fiction books with the Cleveland ID and bar codes. This expansion will be done in stages. Initially the men propose to anchor 3 bookcases on a wall, then detach, relocate, and reassemble 24 bookcases during the next ten days. Their leader requested local volunteers remove and then replace all the books on the 24 bookcases! Each bookcase is 4' wide and 8' high. The non-fiction section of the library must be closed for safety during the move. Volunteers may help during the 32 hours weekly the library is open. Hours are at:

    The new bookcases for this expansion are expected to cost $2,500 for materials. Beside the immediate book handling, volunteers are needed to prepare the additional books with spine labels and then stock the shelves as they are built. Yes, they are going to be built here in Cleveland. Volunteers may do that also.

    Donations for shelving and rent are being accepted at the library.
  2. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Hi Ron! Unfortunately we are unable to volunteer any of our time right now, but you can definitely put us down for a $100 donation. I'll stop by later this evening to drop it off.

    This is such a fantastic initiative and everyone is working so hard to not only make the library a huge success, but also to service those in our community that really need help right now. So hopefully everyone can show their support by either volunteering or making a donation.

    Thanks again for all your hard work and all you do for our community!!!
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    who do you make the checks out to?
  4. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Michelle, Ron said we can make the check out to either Basic Needs Ministry or Cleveland Library, whichever we prefer. Do you know that with a $100 donation they can can buy $2500 worth of food? This is such a fantastic service that they are providing to our community and Ron and his team work tirelessly to do this for US. We need to give back, either with time or money. If you don't want to make a cash donation, and feel that you don't have time to volunteer, at least shop there and/or use the library services. Every little bit makes a difference.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I do shop up there quite a bit. Always find good stuff!

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