On the way to work this morning, I almost hit a cow. It was on Cornwallis, east of 40. I don't know whether it escaped from the track or the corner. I shooed it out of the road, but someone is going to have a surprise in their backyard this morning! It was young, but not too young, black. I figured someone here might know who could be missing it.
I used to live on old drug store. They have gotten out before. It belongs to the house with the cows. Every now and then, they escape.
Old Drug Store Cows The cows on Old Drug Store belong to my family and I do not remember one time in the last 15 years that one of our cows escaped the fences. We have 7 strands of barbed wire and 2 interior electric fences on the inside of the barbed wire and we highly maintain our property. However, animals are animals and there is always a first time. To anyone who actually saw a cow this morning, I would appreciate a call or e-mail. To my knowledge, our livestock have/has all been accounted for this morning but I do have contact info for other neighbors who own livestock. My mobile is 919-280-1943 and my mobile e-mail is kellylangdonmobile@gmail.com. Thank you kindly, SAL
Ginger said it was on Cornwallis. I doubt a cow "ran away" all the way from ODS Road to Cornwallis. Ya'll'd have to run a pretty rough ranch up there on ODS for her to Haul Tail that far, or else you were talkin' too loud about having her for dinner. I'll make a call to the probable owner. On a side note, I was driving along 50 a few years back, and right there at Turner Farms (They still kept cows back then), I noticed a big ole bull running along beside the split rail fence. He gained up a good head of steam, and next thing I knew, he'd hopped the fence ! He was so big and heavy he couldn't completely clear it and ended up taking the top rail out ! Never seen a cow jump over the moon, but have seen a bull jump over a fence !!
Old Drug Store and Cornwallis intersect... the farm on the corner of Old Drug Store is also on Cornwallis...she didn't have to "run" too far
RE: Cows in Road Thanks for the phone call. I have contacted appropriate owners. For clarification, the cows/property at the corner of Old Drug Store is a part of the same farm on Cornwallis Road. However, once you cross the I40 bridge on Cornwallis (driving from Old Drug Store towards Cleveland Schools) the land is still Langdon property but the owner of those cattle and horses is a different person. As I stated earlier, some folks tend to assume without asking questions first. Either way, for those of you who are local, feel free to use my phone # or e-mail address if you see issues around our farm as you drive by. It is a very kind gesture for folks to be so watchful and help out. In this day and age, we need all the help we can get. Thanks again! SAL
Now KDC is on here looking for a FRESH Corned Beef Brisket ! This sounds like a conspiracy to me.... Cow in the road, Fresh Brisket.... ??
My sis hit a pregnant cow on Barbour Mill Road many years ago. It killed the poor cow and tore UP her car!
During my mail delivery job, I've encountered cows, horses, and goats. Worst of all, it's the chicken that won't let me get through! LOL I was SO afraid to run them over since they're were under my vehicle that I had to "shoo" them out.
I have seen a couple of times horses loose on highway 50 in-between Don Lees and Stephensons. I saw some loose about two weekends ago and an old guy was chasing them and stopping cars.
Sal, with all due respect, It has been a couple of years and not on a regular basis. I wasnt bashing you, dang. Animals will get out, it is their nature sometimes. It wasnt a big deal. My husband and I saw it at the intersection. Not in the road but on the cornwallis side of ODS. Maybe I had to much to drink (hubby driving) and thought I saw a cow. No, I know it was a cow. We stopped. OMG, was it a cow (*thinking*) omg, I see cows when I drink.........:lol: For clarification, I did just assume when they said Cornwallis that it was ODS rd. Guess I got what happens when you assume. I just made an as& out of me and not you.. No biggy.........chill...........