Anyone practice Yoga at a JoCo studio?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ferrickhead28, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Long story short, I take a Yoga class in Raleigh once a week. I'm trying to expand my practice and take more classes, but a little closer to home (I live in Clayton).

    I know where all the studios are, I'm just looking for a good instructor/studio. I'm looking for a good flow class, that's more my level. I need a more energetic instructor, not someone who makes you hold a pose for 5 minutes talking about how that pose benefits your health, etc.

    I'll probably just get an unlimited pass to the studios here for a month, but I just wanted to see if anyone has an actual experience or favorite instructors.

    Thanks! :)
  2. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    There is a really fun Flow class on Wednesday nights at 5:30 at the studio in downtown Clayton. Typically, one of the owners, Bob or Catharine, teaches it. If you decide to go, arrive a little early if this is your first visit to this studio. You will need to fill out "first-timer" paperwork. Have fun!

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