Has anyone had there appendix taken out or know anyone who has. My daughter is having stomach pains but not sure if it is appendix or cramps for the first time. It is on her right side so I am kinda worried about her. I want to take her but don't want to get there and have to wait while she is uncomfortable and miserable. Any help would be great, I am going to call my doctors office and get the dr on call so I can get their opinion too. Thanks for any help. Worried Mom
I had my appendix out when I was a teenager. Very painful before I went to hospital (Couldn't even stand up) My daughter has had some issues that sound similar to your child. Has she been going to bathroom(#2) on a regular basis. My daughter needs to take Miralax when she has these pains, but better to talk to her doctor. I also had paritinitis 4 yrs ago and needed surgery to remove 13' of my small intestines. Extermely serious (Hospitalized for 36 days) Died 3 times on table, but survived and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. When my daughter had these type of pains I brought her to Johnston Memorial and she was suffering all night while she had to drink Barium and get ct scan. Broke my heart to watch her in so much pain, but all was well with the scan and the doctor suggested for her to take Miralax. I hope that your daughter will be feeling better soon and that it's not too serious.
She does go on a regular basis, but since about Sat since her stomach has been hurting she has not gone. Online searches said with appendicitis she could get constipated from that. Just not sure dr has not called back. But she had pain in her stomach Sat. around her belly button, threw up, then the pain was ok, but moved to her right side, and I had to look up which side was the appendix side. She now has a temperature of 101 now. Just waiting for the dr to call now.
You may want to consider taking her to E.R. based on the fact she has a fever. I pray that she does not have any infections, but for your peace of mind, ask Dr if so take her A.S.A.P. So sorry to hear of your daughter being sick. We will pray for her:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
I'm not a doctor (and don't play one on TV) but that sounds like the classic symptoms of appendicitis. It may be time to head to the ER as others have suggested. DH's brother had his rupture and became very ill. It's not worth taking a chance on.
My sister had this same problem. Severe pains in her lower right abdomen and then started vomiting. I would definately go!!
Yep dr told us to go and not wait for office to open tomorrow. Going now. Thanks for all the help.:cry:
If you did not have success with the Tread try http://www.webmd.com/ They are awesome both with the child and parent(s). PM me for other suggestions. Sherry
Please, everyone who reads this say a prayer for this little girl. She needs everyone's support. We are all here to offer emotional and spiritual support to all who are in need and suffering, Thank you.:grouphug:
Easy test and they'll do it at the ER. Have her hop on one leg. If she can do it, no appendicitis. Seriously, this is the test. My son had his appendics out last October. Went in and it was 8 or so hours later before his surgery. It was a weird weekend for the doc. My son was his 8th appendix operation! But, that is the simple test they do there. Also, if she can't stand up straight, classic sign as well. Err on the side of caution. Go to the ER. BEtter to be safe than sorry. Best wishes. Stephanie-mom to 7
I hope your daughter got in to see the doc & that she is doing OK. Sounds like the pain can come from many sources so the doc is your best bet. When I was in highschool, one evening my side started hurting like I had been running for a while. Then I started getting sick over & over. My Mom took me to the ER the next morning thinking it was an apendicitis. It turned out that I just had a cyst on my ovaries that had burst. Luckily no medical intervention was necessary & I was better by the next day. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon.
I'm sorry, but I have to add my 2p, for what it's worth... What can be said for a Mother who's child is in pain, and could be as serious as appendicitis, chooses to, instead of taking said child to the doctor, rather posts the problem on 4042 to get opinions from the likes of us? This is neither the first post of this nature, nor sadly will it be the last. If your child is sick, turn off the blasted computer and take the poor thing to the doctor.
She did say, in her first post, that she was going to call the doctor; then in post #7 she said the doctor said to go to the ER, and they were going. I realize people continued to post suggestions as if they hadn't read that, but I assume she took the child to the ER last night.
Totally agree. Having worked in the medical field for 26 years I've yet to be amazed by what some people do in what could be considered an emergency situation.
Apparently Clif and others didn't bother to see that part. They'd rather just ***UME things that aren't so.
Um, no. It was read thoroughly but still can't imagine spending my time on a computer when my child is hurting this bad. Basically, first aid should be required in high school and taken again sometime in ones life. I've seen too many kids die in situations like this. Personally I'd have had my kid in the emergency room way before calling my MD. Some situations need immediate action and the time you've taken to call your MD for his/her advise could be critical. The knowledge is out there, use it. Best gift I was given for my first baby shower was a home pediatric medical book, used until the pages started falling out of it.
Chiming in here FWIW-- DH had 2 'attacks' before his appendix finally screamed to come out NOW. His was the feeling of maybe I need to POOP, but then nothing, semi-'lady' cramps, took Pepto, felt like a a deep pulled muscle, just 'not right'. Then when his appendix finally went 'out' he ran a fever. Total MAJOR PAIN - unlike anything he had ever had before in his life. Surgeon said he could run a few test (ct) but that he was 99% sure it was his appendix. One cut later + 5 years he's as good as new. Mostly!
How do you know she wasn't sitting there with the child on her lap and searching for more info?? YOU DON'T. No different than you flipping through your book. Geez and I've been accused of being judgemental! It didn't sound like the child was writhing in pain or anything, just a cautious parent.