I realize that its best to give a dog a NSAID made for canines, but I read online where you can give a dog 10mg for every pound they weigh for pain. Our dog has sprained his foot or something (he's done it before playing) and we're out of his chewables. He seems to be hobbling around pretty bad and I can't help but feel that maybe an aspirin maybe would give him some relief until the vet opens. Does the occasional aspirin for a dog sound right?
I know our Vet told us to give our beagle an aspirin each day. She has arthritis. Not sure of the dosage though.
I decided to go ahead and give him a 325mg since he's about 40 pounds...just dropped it down his throat since I knew he wouldn't chew it. He seemed to do fine with it. Not sure why, but ever so often, he'll be playing kinda rough and end up limping for 3-4 days. He gets over it and then goes a few months before doing the same thing again. I think its all that bone structure on top of those short, stubby legs.
We are familiar with the occasional leg pain for the dogs; we have 2 corgi mixes. The vet did tell us it goes with the territory with the breed :?
Every time I'd have to give pills to my dogs I'd stick them inside some sour cream,it always went down real good
Our dog also loves sour cream, specifically on occasions when we have some chips and dip...and no, he doesn't dip in the same dish with us. He also loves (like many dogs) peanut butter. I wonder why dog food companies won't make peanut butter-flavored dog foods instead of always doing beef or chicken?
When giving my furry babies meds, I stick my finger in Peanut Butter and they lick it right off...its a treat! They have their own jar since 2 take allergy meds daily.
I have to smear peanut butter on a piece of a flour tortilla to get Molly's 3 daily pills down her. She can pick them out if I just put it on bread. :? So my dogs meds are in a mini peanut butter burrito, LOL.