Azelea Skin Treatment Center

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dolittle, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. dolittle

    dolittle Guest

    Has anyone been to this Center? I have an appt and the reviews on google are awful. Am in doubt about going. Thanks
  2. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  3. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    i went a month ago and it SUCKED! it was the worst thing ever! the front staff was nice and the nurse (or whatever she was) was nice when i got back into my room, but then when ( i think her name was kathy?) came in the room ( she is the nurse practitioner) she asked me if i had on makeup and i said yes that i had asked SEVERAL times when i made my appt if i needed to wash it off and they said no, so i came as is straight from work. so she proceeds to tell me that since i have on my makeup that i am "not on the drs schedule, bc he wont see anyone with makeup on" WTF? well then she asked me what kind of issues i was having and i told her what was going on. she said to hang on that she was going to go and get me some samples. she didnt even look at my face or ask if i had any allergies or anything!!!!! ok fine. well 15 mins later in walks another girl who is so NASTY looking she was eat up with zits all over her face ( working in a dermatology place!) and has green teeth! i swear green teeth!!! she hands me my samples and says well since you have on scrubs i figure you can read your own order! yea i could but that wasnt the point! i could of worked at petsmart for heaven sake! i dont, but you get the point, so then i ask her which do i put on first at night and she showed me whatever that mess was in the bag. and that was it, i leave paid my co-pay and get half way home and see that the damn creams that they had given me were OUT OF DATE!!!!! so i DONT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE AT ALL!!!!!!
  4. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    I have been there and have mixed feelings. It took FOREVER to get in the exam room, I think it was 45-50 minutes and then once in the room, it took a while to get the nurse in there but I really liked her. Her name is Cathy Poole. I heard the man doctor is rude and abrupt so I did not want to see him. I did not have any skin lesions, just a rash so maybe that's why I got to see her instead. The girl who checks people in was quite rude too but these days, I don't expect much when it comes to customer service. Seems like nastiness is the norm instead of the exception. Hope this helps!
  5. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    that was the same dr that i had! and i wouldnt of been so mad if she hadnt of said " if you have on makeup your not on the drs schedule".
  6. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Oh this place! Okay, I went there in the summer. First time I went for my son was fine. Next appt. I made was for me for just simple mole check. Was there about 10 minutes earlier than my appt. I had to bring all 7 kids as it was summer time. Well, any child will only sit still for so long let alone children who have "issues." So, I kept asking about the wait and that I can easily reschedule as I didn't want to disrupt the waiting room. They kept telling me soon, we'll be w/ you. An hour and a half AFTER my scheduled appt., I was finally taken back. I told them I can only go back here IF the doc will see me right away as I can't leave the kids that long out there unsupervised. Long story short, I walked out. I'd had enough. Never did go back. Everyone in the waiting room was complaining. Don't go there!

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I sux! Dr. Andrus in Raleigh in GREAT!
  8. dolittle

    dolittle Guest

    Thank you all, I have made up my mind to cancel this appt. Everything you allhave said goes along with the info on google. I believe I would have made a big mistake going there. Thanks again
  9. Ecugyrl

    Ecugyrl Well-Known Member

    I go there and have never had a problem. He probably saved my life-found skin cancer and since removing it, I have been fine. I love the Nurse Practioner and have never had any problems.
  10. ARedhead

    ARedhead Well-Known Member

    Love the nurse practitioner Shelly (I think) but everyone else sucked. I refuse to go back. If you can go somewhere else, anywhere else, is better than this place.
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    The few times we went, we saw Shelly too and have no complaints. But haven't been in at least a yr.
  12. queenleelee

    queenleelee Member

    I sent my husband here to find out about a problem he was having with his foot......well, needless to say, they literally told him there was nothing wrong with his foot, he just had "dessert feet." It was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard. I was sitting there in the room with him too. So, I ended up sending him to a foot specialist who knew just what it was and gave him the proper treatment for it.

    Therefore, I would NOT go to Azalea Skin Center. They're terrible!
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    WTH are dessert feet?
  14. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    I have been there several times. It does take a while to be seen but I have had no other problems. I do prefer to see Shelly though. I have had a couple moles removed and I think Shelly does a better job. Every year I go for a skin exam and I feel better when I am seen by her.
  15. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    I actually have been there twice and had no problems either time. I've been to Raleigh Dermatology and was not happy with them. They were snooty, unhelpful, and seemed to just want to take my money.
  16. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    I had a bad experience with this place and would not recommend it to anyone.

  17. walloon

    walloon Well-Known Member

    I had a bad experience too and the billing system stinks as well.
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    From the looks of this thread and past ones, I'd be suprised if they have much repeat business. :shock::cool:
  19. ssmm

    ssmm Well-Known Member

    I agree entirely. I never saw a doctor but was charged for "surgery" to remove 2 moles. After I asked "since when can nurses perform surgery" things went downhill. Poor, poor customer service. I get irritated when I even drive past that place now. It was overall a terrible experience and I plan to never go back there.
  20. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    Wow, even though I haven't had bad experiences I'm thinking I shouldn't go back! :confused:

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