I am getting ready to hire a new babysitter and wanted to know if anyone could direct me to a place where I can do background checks for free? This is an older lady and while she admitted she has a past, she didn't say how dark that past was. Any ideas? Yes I have searched the NCDOC and didn't find anything on her.
You should spend the money and get a full background check done on her. Our company does inspections for several background screening companies, and I don't know of any company who will do a full background check for free. You will be glad you did it.
Thanks. I have heard of NC123.com before and forgot about them. Actually, I used them a loooong time ago to look up a friends boyfriend. Lets just say my intuition was right!
exactly... if it turns up something shady, and keeps her from being around your children, it will be worth every penny in the end. Not to mention, if she comes up clean, you'll be able to be that much more confident in leaving your children in her care. ( I would think... but I don't have kids, so what do I know... ) Just my NSHO!
I have to get background checks for all our adoptions. Very easy to just go to the courthouse and get one done. Costs $10. There are free ones out there but probably worth paying the $10. Good luck finding a sitter. Stephanie--mom to 7
From the 4042.com Local Business Directory - ABCNC.com 8) http://www.4042.com/4042ads/advertise/ad_dir_result.php?id=21
The background at the courthouse is specific to that county. Wouldn't trust that for someone that will be taking care of your children. NCDOC only has info if someone was entered into the NC corrections system either as an inmate or on probation. If for example it was a slap on the wrist and community service was issued, there will be no record on there. Bottom line, neither of these should be completely trusted.
Courthouse background check is specific to the county. However, you can get the FBI checks done as well. They do the fingerprinting for that at the county as well and then it's sent off. I've had to do all kinds of stuff for our international outings--LOL. The FBI clearance is more in depth but I forgot the cost. I want to say around $70 but I could be way off. Sorry I can't remember off hand. Best wishes, Stephanie--mom to 7
abcnc.com is an advertiser here on 4042.com - i think their records are $5 & $10 - well worth the piece of mind IMO.