This is why I was so reluctant to get a digital camera (not my pic, BTW.) That image is downright frightening!
One thing about typical digital cameras are the intense flash, which will wash out indoor photos and cause unusual occurances in the eyes of people and pets. You can tape a thin piece of paper of tissue over the flash and it will defuse the flash and soften the image. Helps some with red eye as well.
And when you get a bad one, you aren't out anything like film cameras, you just hit the delete button! I was a late digital camera convert, now I have two and wouldn't trade them for anything! We've got a couple of the portable photo printers too, love them!
Wayne is right, it sounds like an autofocus issue. When you press the button to take a picture, there's kind of a "stop" halfway down and a light flashes while the camera focuses. Hold it right there until the light stops flashing and then press it the rest of the way down.
Nope, they're not "photoshopped." My 3 month old puppy's eyes turn out blue in all pictures...whether digital or regular camera, while my 8 yr. old little peek-a-poo's eyes turn out red every time either way. Go figure! :shock:
There are setting on your camera. I love taking pictures but sometimes they dont come out right either. My friend who is a photographer offers FREE, that's right people FREE Digital Camera classes. I plan on going to the next one. I have recently gotten into taking more pictures (my flowers are blooming) and I want to take the best ones I can. :mrgreen: Here's my friends website...
I don't mean the flash - there's a little flashing light on your side of the camera, for probably less than a second, just hold on until that stops and then press the button the rest of the way down. You'll see that flashing light whether you have the "flash" on or not - even if you are outside - it's not a bright light and it's real quick, but if you push the button all the way down without that little pause, that's how you get those blurry pictures.
I LOVE my digital camera, Take it EVERYWHERE with me. Its a Canon Power Shot. I can Zoom up to 14x. This camera was on sale for $70.00. It was the best $70 ever spent! The only one thing I hate it when you are zoomed in real close, you better not shake or it will blur. Mine flashes a lil red camera symbol shaking. LOVE THE CAMERA! I'll Never go back to disposal cameras!