Ok, so some friends of ours who are Catholic, are having their two year old baptized and we were invited to the ceremony. I want to take a gift. I don't want to take money. Suggestions?
Boy or Girl? If a girl, you could get a childs necklace with a cross pendant on it. Boy - a bible? I also received engraved picture frames with the baptism date on it I have also given Savings Bonds, to me it is more thoughtful than just money as they don't mature till they are 18 (the Savings Bonds that is :jester and I am investing in their future
'Things Remembered' is where I have always gotten Baptism gifts. They have tons of stuff. their website... http://www.thingsremembered.com/web...10001_9951_1305_1305_-1_3297_3301?occId=10200 oh, they have a kiosk at Crabtree.
It's a boy. Thought about a bible, but I have to imagine that one of his grandparents will probably give him something like that. The capsule is cool, but he has short hair, so I doubt they'll clip it. I also thought about a wooden rosary that I found online. It's big and in primary colors, for little hands, but I don't know enough about catholicisim to know if that's appropriate or not.
Try this site as well. They have great gifts. My friend is Catholic and she gave me this recommendation. http://www.catholicfaithstore.com/Store/Products/Catalog/-47-154/2.html
I like the picture frame idea. I got a picture frame of both of my kids when they were baptized. My son's just has his full name on there (silver I think because I have to keep polishing the darn thing!) My daughter's is just a very nice pink one with a cross. Nothing says "I love Jesus" like a pink cross!
This one's got my vote. Starting to teach a child the rosary at a young age is a great idea. Where did you find it? I may get one for my son.
Cross for the wall with a little boy kneeling in prayer. Many Christian stores have them. Actually a savings bond has alway been a popular gift for that. do they still have them?
http://www.aquinasandmore.com/index...Rosary/FuseAction/store.ItemDetails/SKU/7096/ Ordered it just now, with priority shipping it was $13.90 total. I figure at the very least, he'll have something to "mimic" mom and dad in church, right?
Depends on if they pray it during Church. If not, still a neat way to teach him about one of the aspects of his faith at home.
We were Episcopalian but when my daughter was baptized she got a Little Girl's Bible Storybook(for Mothers and Daughters) and we have really enjoyed it. There is also a boy's version. Obviously it has bible stories told in simple form with colorful illustrations but there is also a section for parents at the end of each story with a verse to remember and suggestions for things to talk about with your child that relate to the story.