Basic Needs Food Bank out of money

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by frugalmomoftwo, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I spoke with Ron at Basic Needs tonight and he said that they have essentially run out of money for food. They are being charged more per pound by the Raleigh Food Bank and there is just not enough money to meet the demand.

    He said he needs about $1000 extra per month to continue operating.

    I thought that if each member could donate $2 per month that they could continue to support the needs of those struggling in our community.

    Even if you could only donate $1 per month, I have no doubt that it would make a
    difference in our community.

    Did I mention your donation is tax deductible?!

    Basic Needs has provided over $400,200 worth of food for residents of Cleveland Township.

    Here is the link to the Basic Needs site. Ron is there on Mondays from 6-9 pm and Saturdays all day. He has a full time job elsewhere so he and his volunteers do their amazing work part time.

    Warehouse and Thrift Shop
    5533 NC HWY 42 W, Garner
    Rear Units D96-100 (behind strip mall with Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Florist)

    Telephone - 919-661-6565

    Monday 6-9 p.m.
    Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this! They are a great outreach. I volunteer there some and am touched by the people who he helps.

    One day when volunteering there, I sat down to rest and a young lady sat down next to me. We started chatting. She asked about the food bank. Then asked a few more questions... then admitted she had a young son at home and her boyfriend just left her and she had no job or money.... She was so excited at the thought of bringing home some food it was sad. I thought about my 'stash' and wanted to cry.

    Please help Ron help these people, he is helping them get on his feet!

    Ron-- can you start a paypal account for donations?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  3. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I would love to do my part. I could do $5 per month. That is such a great place and they really need our help. I am definitely up for the paypal thing if it can be done.
  4. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Great question!! I too would love to know if they have paypal. Also, what about canned foods can I drop off some of that as well?
  5. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I am sure Ron (ans all the food bank recipients) will be thrilled with Paypal donations. Here is the link on the Basic Needs website for info making online donations. I just make a Paypal donation and it went through just fine.

    Thanks so much Sarahmama and Shar.

    Shar, Ron takes donations on Saturdays and Monday evenings. They are open on Saturdays all day. He is only there from 6-9 pm on Monday nights. I don't recommend leaving the products outside when they are not open. They have had a number of thefts in recent months and the food might be stolen.

    Thanks for the support!
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Hey, that was easy! Thanks for the link.
  7. binarydig2

    binarydig2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link and for the thread. I made my contribution.
  8. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Fabulous, KD'sG and Binary! Thanks so much!
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link and the info Frugal. Just a note though, if anyone is able to donate in person instead of through PayPal you might want try to do it that way. Since Basic Needs accepts credit card donations, PayPal will take a cut out of ALL donations, even if it is a bank transfer. On a $100 donation, PayPal charges $3 and Basic Needs gets $97. Just a FYI in case y'all didn't know about that.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2008

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