I've seen the ads in the classifieds for Basic Needs new food pantry. It states people have to prove they live in Cleveland Township to receive benefits. As far as I know the boundries of that township do not include any "highly depressed areas/neighborhood". Except for the family who may be going through a job layoff or unexpected medical issue ... just curious to know if there is a need for this in the "Cleveland Township" community. What about people in McGees and other areas in W. Johnston Co. ... why is the outreach area so restrictive?
From my understanding it is because there are missions for different areas, and this 'area' doesnt have one... so it is bridging the gap between the cities?? (or something to that effect.)
I was just thinking the entire W. Johnston area is in that "gap" area between cities. Seems like there is more need outside the technical boundries of Cleveland Township but still within the same geographic area.
We love this place, never gotten any food, just love the thrift store. Great deals if you have time to dig & hunt. Ron is the owner & usually at the register - Nice guy. and I saw they have ultra fancy Panara (sp?) Breads to give away last time I was there. That place is $$$$ for breads.
I was up there last night donated some food to the pantry, Ron said there is a need for a food pantry in this area he assists 400 familys and the assistance from the wake food bank if I understood correctly has been reduced. So if you have a little extra food or feel like using some of those double or triple coupons for a good cause remember they could use your help.