basinett recall

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by angels_squirrel, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. angels_squirrel

    angels_squirrel Active Member

    Didn't know if anyone heard about this, but with all the bassinetts for sale in the classifieds, this is important.
    Bassinet Recall Expands
    Bassinet recall first reported in August is expanded to other "brands"

    Story Links and Resources:

    Bassinet Recall

    Story written by Stephanie Schaefer
    Story posted on September 12, 2008

    Related Stories:

    An update to a recall we first told you about in late August.
    The Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled Simplicity Bassinets because of a strangulation risk.
    Now, the CPSC says some of the bassinets in that recall include some that have Graco logs and Winnie the Pooh motif licensed by Disney Consumer Products.
    Consumers are urged to check their bassinets to ensure they are not using one of the recalled Simplicity models, including those with the Graco logo or Winnie the Pooh motif
    The Simplicity bassinets with the Graco logo were sold between 2001 and 2004. The Simplicity bassinets with the “Winnie the Pooh” motif were sold between 2002 and 2008.
    The following retailers have voluntarily agreed to recall the product and provide a refund or store credit to consumers who return the product to the store where purchased:

    Wal-Mart Stores
    Toys R Us
    Kmart Corp.
    Big Lots!
    J.C. Penney
    Bed Bath & Beyond
    Burlington Coat Factory
    Buy Buy Baby
    Chelsea&Scott LTD (One Step Ahead),
    CSN Stores of Boston, MA
    Fingerhut Direct Marketing
    Frogs and Lily Pads
    Kohl’s Department Stores
    ShopKo Stores
    Sweet Pea Décor
    USA Baby

    Two babies died when they got trapped between the bassinet's metal bars.
    Due to the serious hazard these bassinets pose to babies, CPSC urges all consumers to share this safety warning with day care centers, consignment stores, family and friends to ensure that no child is placed to sleep in a Simplicity convertible bassinet covered by this warning.

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