Battle of the Books Title Remains With Benson Middle Team

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Book Sense
    Benson Middle Wins Book Battle for Third Year

    SMITHFIELD-- For the third year in a row, Benson Middle School earned
    the top spot at the annual Johnston County Schools Battle of the Books
    competition, March 2. In all, a total of 127 middle school
    students from the district's 12 middle schools participated in this
    highly competitive event.

    During each game, students answered a series of 8 questions on 20 books
    read during the year. The following teams won the competition:

    3rd Place (with a total score of 112 points was a tie between North
    Johnston Middle School and Cleveland Middle School

    Cleveland Middle Team Members:
    Easton Edwards
    Amanda Ennis
    Emily Hanline
    Matthew Hayes
    Christian Hoskins
    Kayleigh Jernigan
    Jessica Littleton
    Dakota Morgan
    Arial Nikas
    Alex Stevens
    Katie Strickland
    Mary Beth Tew
    Coaches: Paula Fish
    Beverly Littleton

    North Johnston Middle Team Members:
    Sarah Barnes
    Robyn Bell
    Gavin Daniels
    Trey Dorman
    Corey Ferguson
    Michael Hatcher
    Hannah Nicholson
    Erin Pope
    Jackson Shearin
    Amber Walston
    Patrick White
    Coaches: Emily Vann
    Vicki Verrill

    2nd Place (with a total score of 116 points)
    Smithfield Middle School
    Team Members:
    Brandon Allen
    Katie Cook
    Boe Juarez
    Muriel Lasater
    Nat Mills
    Keifer Morris
    Jay Pearson
    Kate Pearson
    Martin Sanchez
    Caroline Tobin
    Colin Vaughn
    Coach: Michael Cochran
    Chuck Johnston

    1st Place (with a total score of 135 points)
    Benson Middle School
    Team Members:
    Daniel Dunn
    Mary Emran
    Priscilla Martinez
    Marcus Storms
    Melissa Williams
    Zachary Williams
    Coach: Sherry Williams

    The winning team, Benson Middle School, now advances to the Central
    Regional Battle of the Books competition to be held in Wake County on
    April 8.

    Congratulations to all the teams!

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