Ok I am not from around here, and this probably shows it!! What kind of beans are in a purple and green shell? I just bought a bunch of them and dont know what they are!! They look like Lima beans inside, but when I googled them, I dont see any like that! I dont know what they are to figure out how to cook them! I am sitting here eating raw corn trying to figure it out!!!:lol::lol::lol:
From the N&O http://www.newsobserver.com/lifestyles/food_fitness/story/479428.html I remember shelling them with my Nanny.
if its these, they are called 'Jackson Wonders' and they are the best butterbeans money can buy! they are the 'silver queen' of butter beans....
That would be my guess. Traditionally cooked with a small pc of salt pork in water. We have been substituting EVOO and it is just as good in my opinion.
The beans themselves are green, the pod is purple and green. Tasted the beans and they are sort of sweet, but the pod is ickky! (I thought they were a type of green been when I bought them, but I guess the shell is not edible!!) Now I have to shell them!
PEAS, local purple hull peas. Yummmy, but you have to SHELL them out of the hulls (or Pods). The bean inside the hulls are round not like a flat butterbean right?
DING DING DING---- looked those up and that is it!!! Thanks!! So shell them, got that. (glad I could make you smile Jenn!) Now to look up recipes. (and get the kids to shell them!) Thanks, I knew I could count on ya'll!
maybe these? http://blog.washingtonpost.com/mighty-appetite/2007/09/a_passion_for_purple_hull_peas.html