Bee Champ Crowned!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    McGee's Student Wins District Bee

    SELMA-- Lindsey Anderson, an eighth grade student at McGee's Middle
    School, has earned the districtwide Spelling Bee championship.
    Lindsey spelled the word "fatigues" for the win, after several "last"
    rounds with two of her peers.
    Her coach was Kristen Blanda.

    Students were challenged with words like condor, interlinear, balefire,
    defectoscope, interreflection, and fascism, just to name a few.

    Kassidy Brown, a fourth grade student at McGee's Elementary, won the
    second place spot. Her coach was Malinda Wise.

    Riverwood Middle School's Adaria Coulter, a seventh grade student, won
    third place. Her coach was Harriet Baker.

    First-, second-, and third-runners up spots went to:
    Lizzie Tart, fifth grade at East Clayton Elementary School, coached by
    Patty Whittington;
    Casey Narron, eighth grade at North Johnston Middle School, coached by
    Cindy Godwin; and,
    Deziree Baker, fourth grade at Selma Elementary School, coached
    Jeannette Parrish.

    In order to advance to the national competition, Lindsey must have a
    weekly or daily newspaper to sponsor her trip.

    Congratulations to all!

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