Behind Don Lees

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by UWISH, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. UWISH

    UWISH Well-Known Member

    Anybody know what they are putting back there? Saw the trailer the other day and now there is handicap parking signs out front?
  2. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Yesterday there was a sign on it that said "Don Lee's Custom Cars." I'm guessing it's going to be a small used car lot.
  3. Bubuneenee

    Bubuneenee Guest

    That's Just What We Need

    Another used car lot....
  4. old school

    old school Well-Known Member

    I know, I can't believe he didn't check with you before he used his own land to do what he wanted before he checked to see what you needed!
  5. UWISH

    UWISH Well-Known Member

    Just what the area needed. Another car lot!

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