Benson Chamber Names Godwin Educator of Year

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    BENSON-- The Benson Chamber of Commerce recently named South Johnston
    High School English teacher Cora Godwin as their "Educator of the Year."
    Mrs. Godwin is a native of Sampson County, and graduated from Peace
    College and East Carolina University. After a period of working with
    Campbell University, she began her teaching career at Cape Fear High
    School in Cumberland County. She has been a teacher at South Johnston
    for the past 10 years. She teaches senior English, journalism and
    yearbook. Under her leadership, "The Oracle," South's school newspaper,
    has been a source of great pride. She has also directed numerous school
    pageants at South, and in the Meadow community. She helped establish
    South Johnston's Senior Project program, and has recently brought new
    energy to the school's Pep Club. When she is not being the Football Mom
    for countless players, she is the one behind the scenes who spurs on
    "Gang Green," the student cheering section.

    "Cora is an institution at South Johnston. She is loved by her
    students, and respected by her peers. Her contributions to the school
    are immeasurable," said Dr. Bryan Martin, Principal.

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