Benson Elementary Recognizes Partnerships in Education

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    BENSON-- Benson Elementary School Principal Rodney Peterson recognized
    two civic organizations for their outstanding support of instructional
    programs at the school.

    On September 1, Mr. Peterson visited the Benson Chapter of the Kiwanis
    Club. At this meeting, Mr. Peterson presented to the membership a
    plaque recognizing them as a "Partner in Education" for their
    volunteer services at the school and their support of the "Terrific
    Kids" and science programs.

    On September 12, Mr. Peterson attended the monthly meeting of the
    Benson Chamber of Commerce. At this meeting, Mr. Peterson paid tribute
    to the Education Committee ad chamber members for their strong support
    of the areas schools during the 2004-2005 school year. Specific to
    Benson Elementary, Mr. Peterson recognized the Chamber for their book
    drive that provided books for Benson Elementary and a reverse raffle
    that raised $3000 for the school's level book room. As recognition
    for their support to Benson Elementary, Mr. Peterson presented Gilbert
    Steiner, Chamber President (see pictures below) with a plaque
    recognizing the Chamber of Commerce as a "Partner in Education."

    Commitment to activities such as these is an excellent
    representation of how the civic groups and citizens in the Benson
    community support their schools.

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