Benson Elementary to Host Kids for Katrina Carnival

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    BENSON-- Benson Elementary School will host a Kids for Katrina
    carnival on Friday, September 30 to raise money for Katrina victims.
    All proceeds will go directly to the American Red Cross.

    The carnival will be held on the school's playground behind the school
    from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Admission is $5 and includes all activities,
    as well as a hot dog, chips, and drink. As many as 40 booths will be
    set up, and activities will include a giant bounce house and obstacle
    course, a dunking booth, face painting, a speed pitch machine, hair
    painting, a giant slide, putt-putt, zoo animals, a football toss, and
    many more. Free balloons and .25 cent bags of popcorn will be
    distributed by the PTA.

    Representatives from the American Red Cross will be present to accept
    canned food donations. Students who bring three canned food items will
    receive a free homework pass. Civic organizations, businesses, and
    churches will participate, and special entertainment will be offered.
    WPYB will broadcast live.

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