Benson Middle School Wins!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Benson Middle School won the district's annual Battle of the Books competition, held March 4, 2004, advancing the team to the central regional battle. All of the 12 middle schools participated, with a total of 116 middle school students participating in this highly competitive event.

    During each game, students answered a series of 12 questions on 27 books read during the year. The following teams won the competition:

    3rd Place (with a total score of 174 points)
    Clayton Middle School:
    Team Members:
    Morgan Avery
    Elizabeth Grady
    Corey Hitchcock
    Jenae Klinger
    Daniel Miller
    Louis Moses
    Laura Owens
    Gregory Perez
    Melissa Perez
    Maria Valdovinos
    Eric Wilbanks
    Ashley Woolsey
    Coaches: Sandra LaCarter
    William Williams

    2nd Place (with a total score of 180 points)
    Princeton Middle School
    Team Members:
    Kent Boyette
    Summer Capps
    Joey Grantham
    Alaina Hester
    Taylor Johnson
    Elizabeth Jones
    Tiffany King
    Christi Mileski
    Amanda Nester
    Mandi Smith
    Casey Spencer
    Brooke Worley
    Coach: Bonnie Whitesell

    1st Place (with a total score of 188 points)
    Benson Middle School (Second year in a row as champs!)
    Team Members:
    Priscilla Martinez
    Don Maynor
    Candice Parrish
    Alyssa Rauschenburg
    Bethany Rogers
    Alicia Stewart
    Zachary Williams
    Coach: Sherry Williams

    The winning team, Benson Middle School, now advances to the Central Regional Battle of the Books competition to be held in Granville County on March 30.

    Congratulations to all teams!

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