Lots of people have lights up over here in Glen Laurel, rather nice displays, one person has there lights to music, which is cool.
My favorite is the one down 1010 on the way to Apex on the right. We didn't have time to go this year, but it's incredible every year. One year we went Xmas eve, the owner was outside dressed as Santa handing out Candy Canes. They set up a snow blower so when you drive by the house, you're driving through snow, it's really cool. It must take them a month to set up! I also like driving down through meadow, even if you don't go to the "official" meadow lights, a lot of people in town put up nice displays.
We drove in Glen Laurel Friday night and saw next to nothing. Either people were not home or they are not into it this year.
Meadow Lights Go down I40, past I95 to the Meadow exit. Turn right, cross Highway 50 and watch for the signs to make a right hand turn. Lights are free, but there is a train to ride ($2), a merry-go-round ($2) and a store that sells old-fashioned candy, toys, decorations, hot cider and other munchies. It's become a family tradition to start off the season! Merry Christmas!
There's a lil house on Lake Myra Rd (off Poole Rd) in Wendell that has their entire yard flickering to a radio station also. I think 100.7. Our kids love it !
Lake Myra Christmas I was looking at the Web site for this: http://www.lakemyrachristmas.com/3.html and was thinking of going. Do you just park and sit in your car? Or do people walk around the yard? How does it normally work? I saw on the Web site that the show goes about 30 minutes.
Last year we parked and just walked up the block. One of the houses had Santa and Hot Chocolate. the music can be heard from the street. The kids really enjoyed it. We haven't gone anywhere else, so I have nothing to compare it to... Todd
The house near ours is one where you pull up in your car, turn your radio to the station on the sign in the yard, pick the type of music you want the lights to blink too and enjoy the lights and music. We do not get out of the car because we will miss the music and I don't think the one near us really wants people in the yard. The show near us is around 20 minutes, Sherry
I don't know the name of the subdivision but if you take the first street on the right when you turn onto South Shiloh by Chops and go down to the end of that street you'll see a really great one on the right at the end of the other road.
Meadow lights are not as good as they used to be. And if you really want to see the lights you would have to ride the train. it takes you all around them. but i wouldn't waste my time driving there if you're too far away.