Best Family Law Attorney

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Crash, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Crash

    Crash Member

    Anyone have any recommendations as to who is the best family law attorney in Johnston/Wake County? How does custody generally sway in Johnston County courts? Also, any thoughts as to the "good ole boys" network being alive and well?

    We signed a custody agreement years ago, but my ex husband violates the order repeatedly. The ex works in a JoCo law office...I have been threatened by him for years because of the people he knows. I filed a contempt of court several years ago and the paperwork disappeared from the clerk's office. I will be filing another contempt of court on Monday with the attorney I used to write up our original custody agreement. Most alarmingly, I have just found out that he routinely leaves our nine year old daughter alone in his front yard while he and his new family go for bike daughter is not athletic and can't make it up the hills like everyone else, so they decided it best she stay home when they go riding, even though she has asked to go. I feel this is neglect as she has no adult supervision while he is away.

    I would appreciate others' recommendations as to what they have heard or know about how it all works in Johnston County and who might be the best firm to represent me if I choose to go to a new attorney.

    Thank you.
  2. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid the "good ole boys" is still alive every where! I've got a friend that lives in Pitt county that has been going through this for years. Her ex drinks like a fish and grossly neglects the kids when he has them. But yet, the court awarded him joint custody. That means every other week he has them. So, be very careful. Just wanted to warn you. I don't know any attorney's. Pat
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    I highly recommend Sherry Morris in Benson, she is definitely not afraid of bucking the good ole boys network and she is truly passionate about taking care of her clients. She has never had to do any work for me but i know her thru the chamber and personally talking to her and her passion for her profession standing up for children and her clients shows through completely!

    Sherry Morris
    300 East Church Street, 300 E Church St, Benson, NC
    (919) 894-1300

    She has a facebook page too if you want to look it up. Tell her Karen from the Cleveland Chamber referred you. Good luck to you and your child.

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