When my parents come, they always stay at the Hampton in Smithfield. They did stay at the Hampton at 312 but did NOT have a good experience w/ it. They also stayed in another hotel up there (forget which one) and did not like it either. From then on out, they stayed at the Hampton in Smithfield & just take the back way to our house. Only about 10 minutes to get here. With the bypass and depending upon where you live, it might be an option. I've personally never stayed in any of the places locally. I can only give you what my parent's experience was when they were here. Good luck. Stephanie--mom to 7
We stayed at the Sleep Inn one night in the Summer of '07 when our A/C went out. No complaints. I travel for my job and spend 50 to 100 nights away, so I know crappy hotels. I like Sleep Inn because its a corridor entrance hotel. Not a outside entrance like most "motels".
Whenever we have too much family in town, the overflow stays at the Sleep Inn, not had any complaints from them, nothing fancy, but a decent place to stay