Beware!!! I got robbed at ***-****!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LaDeeGC, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. LaDeeGC

    LaDeeGC Member

    My 2 sons and I were leaving the Fuquay ***-****. I had paid for my things, returned my wallet to my purse, put my purse on my shoulder, loaded my cart with my bags. I got to my truck and the kids helped me load the bags. We were going to go over to the video game store and I realized it was gone. We turned everything upside down, retraced our steps and it was like it just vanished. At first I thought I just loaded it with the bags.
    There were two young ladies in the car next to us. I asked to use there phone to call my phone and make my "pocketbook ring". The girls said they seen a man walking across the parking lot carrying a purse. We called the police. The officer said he didn't think I lost it. It was stolen. The man had to of cut the strap on my purse to steal it. My boys were just infront of me. It was cold and I had the hood of my jacket up. The parking lot was dark maybe even a light out. I am very careful. Aways have my keys ready when I am walking to my truck. Thank Godness or he would have gottin them too!
    Please becareful. Extra Careful!! This guy was good. My purse had a short strap so it was right under my shoulder and I didn't feel a thing!!!!
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Another reason to shop somewhere else then Walmart?
  3. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    yeah, cuz that's really the only place anything like this could happen. notwithstanding that my mother in law had her purse lifted out of her shopping cart at the kohls at white oak
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    :shock: Wow! I'm usually careful with my purse, time to be extra careful. I shop there a lot. Did they catch them?
  5. MisunderstoodMind

    MisunderstoodMind Well-Known Member

    If I'm grocery shopping I like to wrap the child seat belt through the straps. That way if some %^%)&^*&^)%$$ tries to grab 'n go, he'd have to take the buggy with him. All the while I'd be throwing bottles of Aunt Jemima at his punk cranium!

    Actually, I see women leave their purses unattended in buggies all the time. I am sorry for what happened, LaDeeGC. I hate thieves.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2008
  6. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Not to lecture, but probably not a good idea at all to place your purse in the cart. One distraction and it is gone and if you aren't wearing it there is no way to feel it. Makes a very easy target.
  7. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    it was at least a year ago. two of them. one distracted her with ******* questions and the other one lifted the purse. took out the wallet, dumped the purse before they left the store, went straight to the gas station and filled up on the credit card and took whatever cash was in there but did no further damage really other than having to cancel and replace everything. and no, they didn't catch them.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I just try to keep space between me and other shoppers as well as keep aware of who is around me. Call me paranoid, but I like my personal space. If someone is walking too closely behind me, I stop and let them go by. Hate that. I've had my wallet stolen before, but it was while I was at work. It majorly sucks. :cuss:
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm glad that she wasn't hurt. What a PITA!
  10. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    That is some scary *****.

    I hope they catch them...what about the video camera in the parking lot.
  11. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    I was at BJ's one night and no one was there. I had my purse in my cart and was looking at cakes. One of the clerks started lecturing me saying that I need to be more careful because people are always trying to walk by and take purses from carts. I never really thought much of it, but I appreciated her word of advice. Apparently they see it a lot. From then on, I've just kept it on my arm in front of me.
  12. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I typically just carry my debit card in my pocket when shopping. This elimates the need to worry about where my wallet is at all times...especially when shopping with children in tow.
  13. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    That is a scary thought, and with the kids with you is that much more scarier, glad all is safe now. Lesson learned for me for sure. I'm not very good about keeping mine close to me at all, I will now.
  14. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I was at target at White Oak over the holiday and there was a girl with her purse sitting in the cart. She was on a main aisle and obviously she had been digging through it recently because it was sitting wide open and she was not paying attention (away from the cart). As I walked by I could see a bunch of $20's just laying on top.

    It was busy that day, wonder if she made it out without losing the cash.
  15. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I also usually carry my debit card in my pocket and leave my purse at home or locked in my trunk. If I take it in the store, I do buckle the straps of the child seatbelt around it. This way, I have a chance to get in a few good whacks before it comes undone.
  16. LaDeeGC

    LaDeeGC Member

    I didn't leave my purse in my cart. I think that is just dumb. This man had to be right behind me, walking in my steps, he must of had a reallly SHARP something to get my leather purse, it was over my shoulder with my hands on the cart. I am just so glad my boys are safe and that he didn't hurt us!

    As far as the video camera, my husband went there straight from work and demanded to see the manager and the tapes. They told him that they were unable to show him the tapes because "the public" could sue them for PEEPING. You need law inforcement to veiw the video.

    I spent hours calling everyone and canceling all my cards. Kohl's actually gave me the numbers for the credit agencies to request a block on my credit line. He didn't use any of my cards.

    So it looks like other than the $25 in my purse he got nothing. I think now I am going to carry even less than I usually do. Just what I have to.
    A Hell of a way to start '08

    So if you go by WM and you see a guy lurking around say "Hey!" It's my husband ready to go Navy Seal on this guy if he tries it again :evil:
  17. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I see people ALL the time leaving their purses in their carts while they're over somewhere else shopping, not paying attention.....thats just SO dumb!

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Have you checked the back dumbsters and trash bins in the area of the store for your purse? Might also want to walk down both sides of the road and see if your purse is in the ditches. Most of these types are out for the cash and will trash the purse as soon as they get the paper money.
    Sorry this happened to you.
  19. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    So law enforcement is now going to view the video ...right?

    How could someone cut the leather straps (I'm assuming it had two straps) without you knowing someone was near you?
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    How about we don't blame the victim here, she was minding her own business, putting her stuff and kids in the car. She wasn't asking to get robbed for crying out loud! All it takes is a moment of inattention for some creep to take advantage, remember, most of these criminals are professionals at it.

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