I am looking for a place in the area that can do some repair and maintenance on my bicycle. There is no major damage to the bike, it has just been neglected and not ridden in awhile, so the brakes and such need to be fixed. Any recommendations are appreciated.
Is that the place that has a whole skateboard section and a separate bike section? Haven't been in there in a few years but when DS was younger i spent a fortune in the skateboard part:-D The guys that worked there were very knowledgeable and friendly.
Thanks for the information on the bike shops. If Flythes does have a bike and skateboard section, I will definitely have to go there. My kind of place.
My 9 year old opened a bike repair shop 4 months ago, he could help. He doesn't charge a lot and does a great job!! (His Papa oversees the business.) The name of the business is Jake's Bike Shop & Repair. Let me know, pm me, if you need more info!!
I think the skateboard place is separate. Flythe is upstairs, just turn down the street beside the building (to the left facing the building) and there is a door by the parking area.