We did!! :hurray: I like Brian for now and the girl with the long dark hair. Of course love Jerry!! he is too cute and he felt whats her names boobs!!! I was ROFLMAO!!! Gonna be good!
I really hope Renny goes. She made a target on her back really quick. I like Jerry alot too. I cannot pick a favorite just yet but I am really excited to see how this season plays out and hopefully Julie will throw in a couple of surprises.
I missd it....I am trying to ween myself this summer.....eek....not gonna be easy if y'all start talking it up!!:?
I am so easily tempted too!!! I am sure I will get sucked in, I always do!! I haven't missed but one season (this last one they did while the writer's were on strike)....dangit....this 4042 crowd....you guys have so much power!
Brian reminds me of a younger ED.....minus the tats.....and minus the colorful hair. They have that same evil grin. :twisted:
I know last year you could go to CBS.com and it would give you the schedule and you can see episodes you missed.
I want them to keep Renny for the comedy factor of it all. I love how she was acting when she thought she was locked in the room.:jester: