I caught the last of it will try to catch it to see if its going to be worth watching this year! when is the next one come on?
Heck no! And I am ticked!!!! I forgot about it and didn't set the DVR, so I have to go online tonight and watch it!! DANG IT!!
I am amazed that I caught it! The full episode is online already this morning. Looks interesting. They are grouped in 'cliques' this go round.
I watched! :hurray: I'm glad they changed things up a bit, I wonder how this clique thing will work, how it'll change the game? Do any of you ever go to www.tvclubhouse.com to catch spoilers?
Thanks for posting this. My wife and I love BB and knew it was coming soon but never saw any commercials for it on CBS. Not sure how we missed it. Did we miss much the first show?
you did miss the first show, last night. You can watch it online though, anytime, all season. CBS.com DMJMom, I am not sure how this clique thing is going to work, should be interesting. most of the women seem whiney and annoying (which makes for good tv of course) except the tattooed, cute blonde. No guys left any impression on me last night.....though I can't stand Jesse. I was hoping 'Cowboy's' clique was going to win, so he could come back. I liked him alot.
I watched it and wish they would not have brought back that goof Jesse, Jessica on the other hand would have been fine with me. 8)
I liked her too actually. She looked really cute last night, though I am sure you didn't notice. Guys like Jesse, make my skin crawl.
I watched it last night, one of my early fav's is the Offbeat team, I like both of they guys so far...can't remember their names, the 5th grade teacher and the other guy wearing the pink and purple
I was hoping Cowboy's clique would also win. I was hoping he would be able to get back into the house. I don't like Jesse either. I think it will be interesting too. Wonder how the little gal that said she was 18 when she is really 24 is going to be able to keep it up that she is only 18 and what will happen when they find out she is 24.
Your not missing much. Same old crap as every other year. Though I seem to watch it as well, maybe lack of nothing else being on TV. :lol:
I can't stand Jesse! Watched last night and he really thinks he is something special--a "gift" to the house. I'm already tired of his arrogance and self indulgent attitude. In fact, so far I can't say I'm really fond of any of the new house guests but time will tell.
Did anyone notice that Jessie has gotten bigger than last season? He's definately on the juice for sure. His arms are unreal