bikes for kids

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    We (Santa) may be getting our kids (aged 6 and 8) new bikes for Christmas, as they've outgrown theirs. How do we know what size to get for them? Obviously, if it wasn't a Christmas gift, we'd take them to a local bike shop, wally world, etc.

    But I thought someone here might know.

  2. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    It really depends on the type of bike and how long their legs are. I think most bikes are 12", 16" and 20" for kids. They should be able to sit on the seat and place their feet flat on the ground without having to stretch. You could always measure their inseam and then call or talk to a bike sales person, they should be able to give you some guideline. Sorry, I know this didn't help a lot.
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I am thinking (but not positive) that the size has to do with the tires? So maybe just measure the tires on the bikes they have now, and if they're too small, then go the next size up? I know a few years back, "Santa" (not me) bought my two bikes that were way too big, because he always thinks my kids are bigger than they really are, wishful thinking I guess. So the big kid got the little kid bike, and we had to take back the other one and get a smaller one...I was shocked when I saw the bikes Xmas morning, they had been hidden so I hadn't seen them yet!

    Or maybe take them to Walmart with you one day, and if they're anything like my kids they will gravitate to the bike section, and you can see them standing next to some (or even let them get on them just for fun) and just pay close attention to which ones they are.
  4. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    I know Toys R Us employees are supposed to be trained to assist customers with this kind of thing...

    Or any bike shop could help you out as well I would think.

    I used Toys R Us... Had them assemble the bike as well.. :)
  5. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! DS wants a trick bike, so that adds another level (not that we are going to get him a trick bike).

    hmmmm that just got me thinking, isn't there a dirt bike place around here?
  6. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    don't remember the name of it - but its on Cornwalis, down past CMS, where the go-cart race track used to be.

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