Black Friday tips?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Wow, I can't even believe Thanksgiving is almost here and we're talking about this! Anyway...we have family coming into town for Thanksgiving and are thinking about going shopping (without kids) on Black Friday together. I haven't done this since my oldest was a baby - he's now almost 11. And back then I just went to the outlets in Smithfield, this year we'll be hitting White Oak. So, does anyone have any tips? I do know if we go we'll be heading out before the roosters are up :? but anything else I should know? Or just good luck?
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Know what all the sales are in advance and be at the store first of the things you want the most.
  3. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

  4. On the go

    On the go Well-Known Member

    you can also google bfads or gottadeal to get the ads
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Black Friday Tips? Anything before 1am or after 11pm.
  6. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    We hit Kohls first so that we are thru the long line and able to get in line at Target for their opening. However, we leave White Oak and go to Old Target. Then we head to Wal Mart in Garner. If we need to go back to White Oak we can however Kohls is the only thing I care for there. After this we are at Crabtree by 8:00 am. LOL Then it is to Brier Creek for Home Goods and all of those stores. Works every time for us. :)

    Oh and I use for all my ad scans!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I hate to brag BUT I do consider myself as sort of a pro black friday shopper. Allow me to give you some tips I've learned over the years. :mrgreen:

    1. If you are going to White Oak you should get their via Cornwallis/White Oak Rd. That way you will avoid the monster traffic that is backed up on 70 all the way to Clayton.

    2. Beg, steal or borrow a big, burly, and preferably tall man to go with you. You will need someone to run interference for you on those door buster items. A big man can block at least 2, sometimes 3, women behind him as he reaches OVER the heads of the short gals to grab the good stuff.

    3. Get a baby doll that looks real and put her in the biggest, bulkiest stroller you can find. If you can find one with a bumper that is even better. Do not be afraid to mow someone down if you need to. If you hit them behind the heels in just the right spot they will usually go down. Don't push the stroller in a straight line, rather go from side to side as if you were under caution at Talladega. This will keep the people behind you wondering what your next move will be. Remember, rubbing is racing :mrgreen: Be careful to not throw your baby doll out of the stroller. That will be a dead giveaway and could be reason for the crowd to turn on you.

    4. If you get to the section in the store and your item is already out of stock start crying. I mean CRYING. Some kind soul will give up that ipod for you.

    5. If you are lucky enough to have a man go along with you feed him collards and deviled eggs all day Thursday. A good hot egg fart has been known to clean out an entire store before.

    I have many more tips that I'd be happy to share if anyone is interested. These are just the one's I could think of off the top of my head.

    Happy Shopping!

    Oh, and don't worry about running into me and the hubs Friday cause we will be in the big Myrtle Beach!
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    <can't breath>!!!!! Laughing too hard!! :cheers:
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I thought of a few more (lucky for you guys)

    6. Wear the proper shoes - Choose your shoes depending on how serious you are about getting the items you want. If you are one of those that think you might like to pick up a toaster for $3 IF they have it in your color and IF it will hold bagels, etc. then you can get away with wearing your sneakers. But, if you are one of those die hard my life will end if I don't get the $3 toaster folks then you will definitely want to wear spike heels. Spike heels can double as a weapon to get those "casual" shoppers out of your way. Remember my tip about hitting folks behind the heel? A well aimed spike heel will do the same thing. You will also get the added value of being above the crowd if your heels are high enough. I do suggest practicing your technique before putting this practice into play. It's not easy to run, push a stroller, and keep up with your big, burly body guard all at the same time.

    7. Do not wear a coat. You will be at a disadvantage when the fight breaks out over the last $3 toaster. It's hard to fight in fleece.

    That's it for now children. Time to go home!
  10. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    ONE time and I mean ONE time my bff talked me into doing the Black Friday thing w/ her. We went to Crabtree. We left after my 3rd altercation because I can't stand people who are rude and hateful! I love the thrill of a bargain but not if I spend all of my savings on bail. I witnesses fist fights, screaming, people running all over the top of each other, etc. I had picked up a toy for my nephew that my sis had been looking for. A woman reached over INTO my cart and put her hands on it! I just looked at her and said please THINK about the ramifications BEFORE you do that. I guess I must have looked like a wild woman because she slowly backed away. I mean, really???
  11. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    I've never once thought that the aggrevation of Black Friday was worth the money I saved. I'd rather save my sanity. :lol:
  12. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    We went one time on Friday, and never again. We buy everything online now.
  13. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Best BF tip is just stay home. :jester:

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Stay home, eat leftovers, and stretch out your fingers. You'll need them worked out for Cyber Monday.
  15. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    I'm with Michelle. *fist pump. I'm also a "pro" black friday shopper. I also suggest her tips plus here's a few of my own!

    1.) Early. When I say early, stores open at 6 am, get your __ there at 1 am. My friend & I have a tradition, she drives. We hit the parking lot, full speed, blasting Metallica. Its a distraction, trust me. The people who are still in their cars because "waaaaah" its too cold will crouch down in fear in their seats because they know what's coming. With my friend driving, me in shot gun postion, seat belt off, hand on the door handle, we fly up to the door. I do the "tuck & roll" and she slows down just a tad bit to the curb. I throw myself out the door, do the combat "i've never been in the military" roll to the door. She zooms off to get the parking spot and I grab hold of the door handles with both hands and brace myself. In the distance, doors start slamming. The woosies are starting to run for second place in line as I brace myself for impact for the people who are going to charge at me to get behind. My friend casual sips her coffee in the safety of the car and watches the mayem. Once everyone is settle in line and complaining how cold it is, she comes out and takes her place next to me. Line is ready.
    2.) Tell anyone & everyone who feels the need to come up to you and say "you're crazy" for being the first to go to __. Remind them that they too, are here just as early and you'll happy wave that item they wanted that you grabbed, but are now out of stock. Sticking out your tongue is perfectly appropriate.
    3.) Make friends with the people behind you. Pray they are bigger than you. Show them the "wall". They lock arms right when the doors open giving you a 30 second head start to run as fast as you can down the Walmart aisle, promising to get them what they want.
    4.) DO NOT..I repeat..DO NOT stop to get a cart. You will be trampled. You dont have time. You can carry it. Or, separate your team (dont forget about your new friends behind you). Put up a pile in a section of the store and lay on it. Someone can get a supply of carts and disperse them with your team. When you do get a cart, pile the best stuff on the bottom. Raise yourself on your tip-toes, stretch your arms & body over your cart and grasp the end of the cart. In other words, lay over your things. Trust me. No one is going to grab that RC car if you are laying over it. Run to the register.
    5.) You're out. Head to the register, you're probably the first one anyway and laugh at the people who got there two hours after you did who are just NOW coming through the door with the look of sheer panic on their faces because they were not there first. You know that look. It was once you too. But now, you know better.
    6.) Head to the next store that has your second & third choices. Remember, people hide things. Check out towels, look behind them. Sometimes, people pick up something, and "hide" it for a friend/relative who was too wussy to come out early. Its like a hidden treasure. :D

    24 hour Walmarts are very organized BUT you will be in line with a group of people who think its a good idea to squash together. You will have someone directly on you, breathing down your neck. Make sure you shower. If not, we will taunt you until you finally break down and leave the line. Don't be that stinky. No one likes a stinky person.

    Keep in mind, this is like America's version of "Running with the Bulls". Only the strong survive. Only the strong get the savings.

    Good luck. I'll see you out there. :D


    PS- I suggest googling "Black Friday Gottadeal". They have the best ads and they are usually the first to post. Join the mailing list, they update as soon as the ad is up!
  16. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    I always use BFads as well. This is my fav day of the year!!! I am almost sad I have already done most of my xmas shopping..I guess I will just get a jump for next year :)
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    my thoughts exactly!!! :cheers:
  18. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Typically my black friday is spent playing golf weather providing I can. Other wise it's sit at the bar have a few beers and talk about the football games from Thursday. Then Saturday i'll usually mosey out and do some shopping as alot of the stores will put out more stock over night, and while it may not be as cheap as it is on black friday, the items I'm usually looking for are still on sale any way.
  19. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I know that actually getting out in that crazy crowd is part of the fun and insanity, but a lot of stores have the same deals online the day before. I know that Target, Wal-mart, and Best Buy had the same exact advertised in-store prices online as well. I purchased digital picture frames, a computer, and other items for the same price people were shoving people in a long line for. If you're going with a group though, I assume you are going just as much for the insanity as you are for the deals! Happy shopping!
  20. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Wow, some of you take this really seriously. Somehow I don't see me or my hubby "tucking and rolling" into the doors at Target. But if I see someone else doing it, I'll know who it is!!! :jester: Yes, we're doing it more for the adventure really (or I am). I really don't think hubby knows what he's getting into, and I think it's going to be a disaster, but not taking it too serious...I'm more or less curious to see what it's all about. Thanks for all the tips and websites everyone!

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