Black History Bowl - Clayton Middle Advocating Pledge

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Black History Bowl at Corinth-Holders Set For Feb.27...Clayton Middle Advocating Pledge

    Black History Bowl competition using a "Jeopardy" format to test their knowledge about African-American contributions on Friday, February 27 at 2 p.m. The activity is being held to celebrate cultural diversity and recognize the many achievements of the African-American community.
    For more information, please call Kathleen McLamb, Principal, at (919) 365-7560.

    Clayton Middle Students Invited to Compete in Essay Contest
    Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students at Clayton Middle School are being invited to participate in the Birmingham Pledge Essay Contest in observance of Black History Month. Deadline for entries is March 1. The Birmingham Pledge is an effort of the Birmingham community to recognize the dignity and worth of every individual. Signing the pledge is a deep, personal commitment to remove prejudice from one's life, as well as the lives of others, and to treat all people with respect. Cash awards will be given to first, second, and third place winners.
    For more information, please call Paula Coates, Assistant Principal, at (919) 553-5811.

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