Blood in my dogs urine

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by BornInDakota, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    Please help.

    I have a mixed breed 13 year old chi-mutt mix who started peeing blood.

    The first day I saw it I brought her to the vet.

    We couldn't get her to pee, so he put her on 62.5 mg of Clavamox.

    It is now day 5 and she is still bleeding.

    I have the urine sample and am going to bring it to the vet tommorow.

    The blood is usually at the very end of her pee. It's small dots, but it's bright red.

    I don't have much faith in this vet, and wanted to get some helpful information from any of you.

    He did an exam and didn't feel and stones.

    Shouldn't the clavamox have started already?

    My dog is fixed and otherwise acting healthy.

    I'm very scared, and would appreciate any and all responses.
  2. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    My female Rot mix had blood in her urine several months ago. We took her in and she had an infection. They gave us some pills for her and she was good as new in several days. She never acted like she was in pain so I was happy about that.
  3. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    If it were me, since it is bright red, I would try to call someone and see what they said. I think there was a thread here about emergency vets. At 13 years of age, I would think it could be anything. Maybe it is a urinary trac infection or something like that, but would want to be sure.
  4. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    That's what I was worried about.

    If it was a UTI, it should have cleared up in 5 days like your rot.

    I'm taking the sample to the vet at 9 tomorrow, will post back with response.

    Maybe they need to put her on a different antibiotic?
  5. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    It is possible. I can't remember what it was they had her on, I'm a bad momma. Let us know how it goes!
  6. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    He didn't FEEL any stones?? what about x-rays??

    Not all UTIs clear up in a few days. Some can take 2 weeks or even more, depends on how much bacteria is present and how well the antibiotics can fight it off.

    Some pets have lasting UTIs and need a special diet.

    Good thinking about saving a sample, but if you're able to get more 2moro before you go in then it would be better (the fresher the better!)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2009
  7. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    Thank you!

    I just collected a fresh morning sample and will be going to drop it off at the vet at 9

    No, he didn't take an xray - should I insist?

    He did a full body exam and said he couldn't feel any stones, but I had a feeling that they could be to small to feel?

    The odd thing is, she is usually peeing clear in the morning, then she pees drops of blood the rest of the day.

    I'm so scared, she is my baby.. I will let you know what he says about the xrays and the urine sample.
  8. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Well, you can feel stones if they're big enough. The best way to rule out that stones aren't the problem is w/ xrays.

    but hopefully the urinalysis will give a reason for the blood.

    That is strange that it's clear in the morning. but i'm not a dr, so who knows- maybe there is a good reason for it. lol

    good luck with everything!
  9. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    Thank you everyone.

    I just brought the sample in and now they are telling me they have to send it out to a hospital for tests. I wont know the results until tomorrow!

    I'm not in NC now, I'm actually in N. Dakota and this vet is the only vet that I can get to in this weather.

    Please pray for my baby girl, I love her so much.. Thank you
  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    The vet should be able to insert a syringe into her bladder and extract urine (sounds painful, but really isn't that awful - it's quick - seen it done on cats many times) This might be able to narrow down where the blood is coming from. Not a vet, can only go by the experiences I've had with my own and have heard about from others.

    IF you doubt your vet, get a second opinion.
  11. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    Are you serious? They could have done this on day one?
  12. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Most will put them on antibiotics, for starters, rather than draw urine - they go by symptoms and since antibiotics aren't dangerous and clear up infections, that's a typical starting point.

    The syringe draw is easier on cats than dogs - with dogs, they insert a needle with a cathedar (sp) but same premise.

    Antibiotics as a start is a good route - at day 5, I would expect you would see some improvement - had a Giant Schnauzer with a bad kidney infection and she responded within 72 hours. Maybe he will up the dosage, or give something stronger like cephalexin - or might do the urine culture now. Sometimes you can collect the urine sample at home - standing at arms length with a sterile container (something out of the dishwasher and capped) and you can usually bring it to the vet without the dog - so it can be tested.

    PM'd you.
  13. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    i agree with zookeeper.

    Geeez, they have to send it out? they can't even do a U/A in house?
  14. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    Its depressing but my dog was peeing blood too. We took her to the vet she had cancer on her bladder, she was gone in 3 months after that.
  15. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    OMG! My baby might have cancer?!

    Could they feel anything on her bladder when they checked her out?

    He couldn't feel anything,could he feel anything with your dog?
  16. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I am praying for you and your puppy. We just lost one of our dogs not too long ago to cancer and I will pray that you baby doesn't have it. Keep your faith up...I know that is hard, but know that we are thinking of you and your baby.
  17. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Relax! Please don't assume anything. Bladder cancer in dogs, the most common is tansitional cell carcinoma. Only about 0.5 percent of all cancers in dogs is bladder cancer. Get the urine cultures back before you freak out. Your dog's condition could be something easily and effectively treatable - just because 1 antibiotic didn't clear it up is no reason to get all worked up.
  18. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    Thank you so much Zookeeper, you make me feel so much better.

    The vet wouldn't take my call, so I drove down.

    He had the results.

    1) Gluclose was great
    2)Liver was great
    3)kidney function was great
    4) No crystals

    Then he said she had alot of red and white blood cells.

    He also mentioned that something else was moderately high, but that is to be expected with a bladder infection.

    I mentioned the cancer, and he said to take it one step at a time.

    He said that if her bleeding is not any better she needs to have an xray on Friday to look for stones.

    I asked him for a stronger antibiotic or to switch another one, but he said no.
    Not yet.

    He has no idea why she pee's fine during the day, yet at night, she spurts the red blood.

    He agrees that the antibiotic should have made some improvement.

    I'm going to go with ZooKeepers faith and comments, I'm going to calm down.

    Thank you Zookeeper, and please everyone pray for my baby
  19. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    They probably can not tell anything until the xray is done and then maybe a sonogram
  20. BornInDakota

    BornInDakota Member

    Please don't take this the wrong way.
    I'm to upset to read your posts.

    I'm going to put you on Ignore.

    I just wrote it, so if I don't answer any of your uplifiting comments you will not think I didn't notice.

    I just need to read positive posts, and have positive thoughts at the moment.

    Nothing personal, honest.

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