Board Approves Personnel Announcements

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Board Approves Personnel Announcements

    The Johnston County Board of Education approved the
    following recommendations made by Dr. Anthony Parker, Superintendent:

    Principals, Four-Year Contracts:
    Tandra Batchelor-Mapp, Glendale-Kenly Elementary School
    Kathleen McLamb, Corinth Holders' School
    Kirk Denning, Princeton School
    Rodney Peterson, Benson Elementary School
    Deborah Woodruff, Clayton Middle School

    Principals, Two-Year Contracts:
    Barry Honeycutt, Benson Middle School
    Catherine Bennett, Selma Middle School
    Kenneth Barnes, Cleveland Middle School

    Assistant Principals, Four-Year Contracts:
    Betty Bennett, Cleveland Elementary School
    Lee Bryan, West Clayton Elementary School
    Betsy Huddleston, Corinth Holders' School
    Angela Jacobs, Micro-Pine Level Elementary School
    Nancy Parker, Cooper Elementary School
    Stacy Poston, West Johnston High School
    Steve Purvis, Four Oaks Middle School
    Patty Whittington, East Clayton Elementary School

    Assistant Principals, Two-Year Contracts:
    Tamara Watson-Barbour, Benson Elementary School
    Heather Ennis, Four oaks elementary School
    Dorlisa Johnson-Cowart, West Clayton Elementary School
    Lowell Hardy, Princeton School
    Charles Price, Clayton Middle School
    Bridgette Spaulding, West Smithfield Elementary School
    Carla Taylor, South Smithfield Elementary School
    James Stoke, East Clayton Elementary School
    David Cobb, West Johnston High School

    Roger Norris, Assistant Principal
    Lakisha Gates Rice (Principal Fellow) Assistant Principal Intern,
    Cleveland Elementary School
    Janice Jett (Principal Fellow) Assistant Principal Intern, Selma
    Elementary School

    Central Office:
    Kenneth Bennett, Director for Classified Employment
    Four-Year Contract: Wilma Bisesi, Exceptional Children's Director
    Two-Year Contract: Anne Meredith, Curriculum Coordinator
    Shelly Marsh, Hearing Officer (part-time)

    In addition, the Board approved tenure for Marcia Grimsley at McGee's
    Elementary School.

    The Board also approved a recommendation of non-renewal for Jeff
    Ferguson at Smithfield-Selma High School.

    Principal, Four-Year Contract:
    Patrick Jacobs, Riverwood Middle School

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