Bob Ethridge Voting history: Voted for illegal invaders to receive social security benefits. Voted against the fence/wall. Voted against arresting illegal invaders by local law enforcement. Please start here mordorboy
Do you have anything to back that up? I'm sure he voted in favor of the fence, and I will look up the rest of it later this evening. If you are going to post voting records, it would be good to make them accurate.
On the Secure Fence Act, H.B. 6061, according to the Library of Congress, Congressman Etheridge voted in favor of the fence: On H.B. 6095, a bill to increase interior enforcement, Congressman Etheridge voted in favor of allowing local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws: Are you talking about a specific bill here? This does not even make sense. No one receives Social Security benefits unless they or someone on whom they are dependent for support has paid Social Security. A retiree's benefits are based on the amount he or she earned under the Social Security System, and paid SS tax on, averaged over their highest 35 years (adjusted for inflation). Social Security disability benefits are also based on covered earnings, and a person must have worked 5 of the last 10 years to be eligible for Social Security disability. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.
he did vote against an picture id to vote. That is what I have been e mailing him times in the past week to get an answer why. No response.
You know, I would normally be in favour of picture ID to vote. However a recent issue has caused me to re-think this. My girlfriend has no ID and cannot get one until she fixes a couple of tickets she has in California. No, I don't mean she can't just get a driver's license, I mean no ID whatsoever. She has been to the DMV and was told that, because of the tickets in California, the state of NC will not issue either a driver's license or a state ID. She will be voting tomorrow (yes, somehow she did get registered to vote), but, if a picture ID were required, she would not be allowed that right. They say a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged and a liberal is a conservative who's been in jail. It's all fun and games, until you are personally affected.
A couple other cases that concern me regarding the voter ID issue - Senior Citizens that no longer drive - Islamic women who choose not to drive (Driving is a privilege, if you wish to do it you should have a picture ID like all other drivers) - Other religions that do not approve of pictures
Other than Clif's example, I think the older non drivers and the others listed can still get a state ID at the DMV. I am not saying Cliffs friend should not be able to vote, but I think you should have a valid ID to register to vote, and to show when you do vote. This morning I was #12 at Clev Elem School. I told her my name, then pointed it out in the book for her, then signed the piece of paper and voted. I could have said my neighbors name (who was behind me in line), told them his address, then voted for him, then voted for myself, then my other nieghbors. :shock: