Johnston County Library BookMobile Now Visiting the 40/42 Food Lion Parking Lot!!! Our neighborhood is fortunate enough to recieve monthly visits from the Johnston County Bookmobile. However, for those folks who aren't as fortunate, the bookmobile is now making monthly stops at the 40/42 Food Lion... aka Swift Creek Plaza. This is a wonderful service. All you need to check out books is a Johnston County Library card. You can pick one of these up at the library or fill out the paperwork to obtains a library card on the bookmobile. The folks who work with the bookmobile are great. You can check the library website for book listings & then email Yeedah ( ) a couple of days in advance of the bookmobile's scheduled stop and often she will have the books on the bookmobile waiting for you. The bookmobile is kid friendly also. Sometimes they have coloring contest or other kid related activities. There are books available for all ages. You can view the flyer concerning the bookmobiles visits to Swift Creek at the below link: Dates of Visits for 2009: April 8, May 6, June 3, July 1, July 29, August 26, September 23, October 21, November 18, December 16. The bookmobile should be arriving at around 2:30 pm. You can check out books, movies, books on Cd & Books on cassettes. You can register for a library card. You can return books from branch libraries. You can order library materials at www.pljcs.ord & make the bookmobile your pickup library. contact information: Yeedah Krasowski, Bookmobile Coordinator 919-934-8148 ext 224 Visit them online at
I've seen folks request large print books and Yeedah, the bookmobile coordinator, has been very helpful with that. On numerous occasions before a long drive, I've checked out a couple of books on tape from the bookmobile. The tapes make the drive go a lot faster & borrowing them from the library is a lot cheaper than buying them.
Wonderful. It will boost Cleveland Library's 25,000 books. The Cleveland Library at 5533 NC HWY 42 W Units D96-100 has volunteers putting bar codes on its book and video collection three days a week and expects to finish on May 30 with at least 25,000 in stock. The latest books purchased - multiple copies of "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" (Hardcover) by Mark R. Levin (Author), which is to be released and shipped on Monday. Recent purchases included multiple copies of the religious fiction best seller "The Shack". Yes, it needs more books in the childrens/Youth section and more big print and we hope the bookmobile will share them in our community. Our projects have been supported by a couple hundred volunteers putting in more than 5,000 hours in the past year (only a partial accounting). The library still needs a lot of volunteer time and shelf building and fund raising to get all the books on display. Find us at Love to see the bookmobile in the neighborhood. Some of our families will really appreciate the service.
I'm just bumping this thread as a reminder that the bookmobile will be in the 40/42 FoodLion parking lot this Wednesday (April 8th). It's really a great service to the community. Hopefully folks will utilize it so the library will not only keep making stops here ... but maybe increase the time or frequency of the stops. It's like bringing the library to you