I live in the Creekside subdivision off Hwy. 50. There has some been breaking and entering into garages, so please keep your garage doors closed. Supposedly there are three men that are "casing" neighborhoods during the day.. they are in a blue van with a ladder on top.
1. Lock your vehicles even when they are in the garage. 2. Take your purse/wallet, computers, cameras, and GPS out of your vehicle and secure them in the house.
Please call the authorities if you see suspicious vehicles in your neighborhood. Maybe this will also help prevent some of these thefts.
How many times do I have to tell people???? I swear! CLOSE YOUR GARAGE DOORS PEOPLE!!!!! If you *think* it can't or wont happen to you - IT WILL!!!! Stop it already.
We had over 3800.00 worth of tools stole from our house about a month ago! We had most of them in the barn and they busted in the door and pretty much tookwhat they wanted.
I've done that before at the house in Clayton and up here (vomit) Brang it! HG's got a few little som' s som' for ya. :twisted:
Amen to that. That is how the %$#@#$% decided which house to go into when he killed my mother (not here in NC, but still). I NEVER leave mine open.
I was wondering when she was arriving. How long is she staying? Need to know so I can be prepared for your venting on here. Sherry P.S. Seven Soda (from a Seinfeld episode)
Few months ago 2 fools drove around to the back of our house loaded up the tiller that was under the deck and drove off. Neighbor watched but thought it was someone we knew borrowing it. Of course nothing could be done and it wasnt found. Didnt sleep good for a long time!