they are not sure. just looks like some kind of explosion. there is now smoke and amonia coming out of the building. they are moving people back further from the building. Possibly some people trapped inside. No word yet on whether they are going to evacuate the school near by.
i'm watching it now on the news, they say there was an explosion and are showing 3 different areas of the roof on the main building that have collapsed.
According to the N&O there is an Ammonia Leak and a Hazmat team has been dispatched. Although there are a lot of nastier things out there I did get a hospital visit out of that stuff once before.
My husband makes deliveries there all the time. Luckily he wasn't there this time. I just pray for the people that were involved. There have been ambulances going by my window at work for over 45 minutes.
3 People unaccounted for at this time, have search and rescue looking for them in the building :cry: Pray and hope they find them and they are just fine.
i saw where the wife of one of the injured said there was a fire first, then the explosion, i will be keeping everyone in prayers.
Hope everyone is safe and that for the sake of the economey and employees that the company can recover and chooses to rebuild quickly. I know that our customers and the industry in general was shocked at how quickly we came back from our fire several years ago. Craig