CNN has just reported , Barack Obama will miss several campaign events Thursday and Friday to visit his ailing grandmother in Hawaii, his campaign says. I wish his grandmother well and i am praying for her ! I would feel this way even if it was McCain's grandmother so calm down McCain people . Sorry Sorry didnt see it Hught
Don't worry, it was not a contest, we both were writing our posts at the same time. I won't insult you with the "minds cliche" 8)
I'm not sure what kind of woman she is or how close he is to her, but I do hope that she gets a chance to see him elected...if he indeed wins. I'm not sure how sick she is, but I can only imagine that she would be overjoyed to know that her grandson won the presidency.
Is this the racist Grandmother he has spoken of before? I would like to make one small point and then I'll go back to discussing the issues, only because it would appear that I am the only one willing to bring this up... With the understanding that I feel sad for Mr. Obama and hope his Grandmother gets better and lives a longer and happier life. However, it was a short three weeks ago when Mr. McCain suspended his campaign to help deal with the economic crisis and was told by the Obama campaign that, as a leader, he should be able to do two things at once. So, is this a case of a double standard? Just my 2p.
Obama is not suspending his campaign. The campaign has made it clear that all aspects of the campaign will continue to carry on, the only thing that will not happen is Obama's personal appearances at rallies for a couple of days. The campaign is well enough organized that his absence will hardly be noticed; the grass roots will carry on; the surrogates will carry on; and we all hope and pray for his grandmother's health and comfort.
And I believe I heard that his wife will be stepping in to take his place while he is out, so the campaign continues. Per ABC : Obama's wife and daughters will not be joining him on this trip. Instead his wife will be taking his place on the campaign trail, holding events solo in Akron and Columbus, Ohio, Friday. Gibbs said that the campaign would continue in Obama's absence.
My prayers for him and his family. If she indeed goes to meet our father I wish her a quick and painless trip. I'm glad he is taking the time to go spend with her.