Britney in hospital again

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gcoats3, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  3. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    You know..(since this topic has been started and I want to give my 2 cents worth) there is no real explanation for her behavior. She has NO ONE. The only thing she has left really is those two boys and well, lets be honest, she lost those two as well. Does she really think she's above the law that she can skip out on court appointed appointments? Did she expect something else? Her behavior shows it all. Clean up your act, pull yourself together and by all means, GET OVER YOURSELF.

    Okay, I'm done.

    Women like that dont deserve to be mothers.
  4. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    This is what happens when white trash gets rich! I said the same thing about Anna.
  5. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    As of 5:30pm, news just announced that her test came out clean. Looks like it's mental thing, perhap severe postpartum?
  6. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I just heard on the Early Show that Britney Spears has been diagnosed as bipolar. That would explain a lot... if she really is, she needs to get the heck out of Hollywood and try to live as normal a life as she can in LA, or wherever she's from.
  7. Aj

    Aj Guest


    You guys sound harsh! It really does sound (and look) like she has some type of mental disorder--this poor girl needs some help and it's sad that it's taken this long for her to get some. She needs prayer-not everyone's harsh judgements against her! And calling her white trash is so tacky! She's sick-hopefully she will be able to turn her life around...

    Just my 2 cents... Aj
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    well she is sick, no doubt, but she is trashy too. Long before her symptoms became forced down out throats, via the media, she was trashy. She made her own bed. Her sickness didn't cause her to not wear panties and get photographed (many many times), get married in Vegas only to get divirced in 55 hours, and all the other many antics.

    Tacky or not...if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I haven't called her trashy because I really don't follow Britney... other than what I see plastered all over the news, that is. Anyway, I did a little Google image searching on Ms. Spears and the TRASHIEST photo I saw of her (aside from the panty-less in public ones :ack:) was this one


    and all I can say is... those poor, poor children. :-(

    I came across this one too.


    While I'm hoping the beverage is orange juice, I kind of doubt it, it looks a little too thin. Who knows though, maybe it's orange soda, but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't drink a little (or a lot) while she was pregnant since she obviously had no problem smoking. :?
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Holy Cow, please tell me the first one is photoshopped. No one would go out like that, right?? :ack:
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    YUCK! (vomit)
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    There is a tattoo in the first shot, not one in the second......Different pregnancies?? :confused:
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    seems like I remember reading she had henna tattoos done at her baby shower....which aren't permanent
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    A ha..............................
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Dr. Phil's wife Robin is BFF's with Britney's Mom, and has been for many they are close friends of the Family. You'll see time to time, the Spears name drop the McGraw's. non-chalantly of course....

    and if Dr. Phil can't help....nobody can....she can just move to Alaska like I originally said.:mrgreen:
  18. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    I had to agree with this poster. She really, really need to get out of Hollywood. I've been in Hollywood and it's not the greatest place to live. People there are crazy, cruel, careless, and think about money, sex, and drugs all the time. For kids' sake, she need to find a new home outside of Hollywood area.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Are you serious? Robin & Lynn BFFs?
  20. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    cakeprincess wrote
    :lol::lol: Most people think about 1 or 2 of those items
    especially on here,you need to add food and drink and you will have everything covered:p

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