My dog just broke her top back molar tonight on a bully stick. It bled a little bit and I can still see the red dot in her tooth. I guess that is the exposed nerve. I plan on taking her to the vet in the morning if I can get in, but does anyone have any experience in this that might have some suggestions? Thanks!
Other than seeing the vet, I have no suggestions - it is likely painful, so try offering some soft food - if you usually give dry maybe try a couple scrambled eggs if you have to wait to get her in in the morning. Poor pooch
I have about $1200 worth of experience with that! My Elvis broke one of his molars on a rib bone from PetSmart. Needless to say, I am VERY VERY anal about what my dogs get now!!! He had a root canal to save the tooth because he was so young and it was a main tooth. It not only broke, it also kind slivered an outside piece off that formed sort of a flap. He was actually pulling at his ear on that side so we thought he had an ear infection when we took him in that day...terriers are tough cookies...he never let on how bad it HAD to hurt! Anyway, surgery went well...took a while...DH sat at the Vet's office for about 6 hours waiting for him to come out of surgery and recovery so we could take him home! He did have a couple of days of pain...he had good meds though! Good luck with your baby!
Update She ended up having to have the tooth pulled. A root canal was not an option because of the way the tooth cracked. She is only a year and a half old, I was just surprised that their teeth could be so fragile at that age. No more bully sticks in this house!