It happened to us a couple of times when we were living in Smithfield. I just called the water company and they would come over and do something outside near the house. I guess they flush it out.
Okay turn where? And Smithfield packing up what? hee hee (See I still have a sense of humor) My son said Polenta water was brown today too.
OH no my toilet is brown sure hope it's the water. EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW See still a sense of humor. But if I don't get my coffee tomorrow
The water at my daycare was brown yesterday afternoon (by Cleveland Fire Station). I called JC utitlities and they said they were flushing the lines. it cleared up in a couple of hours. Just run your faucets periodically and flush your toilets until clear to get it all out of your lines. (Don't use the hot water until it clears or you will have brown water in your tank and will have to run it until all that water is out!)